The information in this bulletin, about immunisation statistics in England, comes from:
1. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) Centre for Infections (CfI) for information on:
- childhood immunisation uptake at ages 1, 2 and 5 collected through the Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER) data collection for PCTs
- persons aged 65 and over immunised against influenza for all PCTs
2. The NHS Information Centre (The NHS IC) for information about the BCG programme and reinforcing doses on the KC50 return from known providers of immunisation services.
March 2013:Following investigation of KC50 data submitted by some Trusts from 2008-09 through to 2010-11, the HSCIC is recommending that Td/IPV and BCG data reported in tables 5, 6, 10 and 10a of this publication should be treated with some caution.
An error has also been identified in some coverage figures for children immunised by their 5th birthday in London for the period 2007-08. This affects published figures for London and England.
Please see Errata note above for more details.