2012-2013 National Diabetes Audit (NDA) report.
Report 2 shows Complications and Mortality
This national report, from the tenth year of the NDA, presents key findings on complications in 2012-2013 for all age groups. The care processes and treatment target standards as specified in National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guidelines (CG)1, including CG152, CG103, CG664 and CG875 and the NICE Diabetes in Adults Quality Standards were reported in October 2014. This report presents statistics about diabetes outcomes including diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), chronic kidney disease and treatment of end stage kidney disease (renal replacement therapy), lower limb amputations, heart disease and stroke.
Due to the size of this publication, the data have been organised alphabetically by CCG/LHB profile and split into several pages, which are linked to below.