This national report from the tenth year of the audit presents key findings on key care processes and treatment target achievement rates from 2012-2013 in all age groups in England and Wales. The care processes and treatment target standards are specified in NICE Clinical Guidelines and the NICE Diabetes in Adults Quality Standards. The NDA also reports on the complications of diabetes, mortality and other complications these will be published in report 2 later in the year.
Due to the size of this publication, the data have been organised alphabetically by CCG profile and split into several pages, which are linked to below.
Earlier this year an issue was identified with approximately 17,000 records out of 2 million submitted nationally to the 2012-2013 National Diabetes Audit which equates to less than 1% of the total submitted overall. It was found that through an error in the data loading process these records were not included in the final analysis. The technical reason relates to an error in how the records extracted from the GP systems were transformed into the data used for analysis.
After investigations we can confirm that although some national results have altered slightly the National Publication has not been materially affected. In some sub-national reports the care process and treatment target percentages have been affected along with participation. The republished information, including national results, can now be found below in the National Diabetes Audit - 2012-2013: Report 1, Supporting CCG LHB data tables. The individual CCG reports have not been changed.
The National Diabetes Audit identified an issue with data supplied to the HSCIC for the 2011-12 Audit, regarding HbA1c (blood glucose) recording across a number of practices. While this did not materially affect the findings in the National report, in November 2014 we removed the CCG level care process and treatment target reports covering potentially affected practices. The data which was identified in the issue above from the 2011-12 audit was included in 2012-13 Audit CCG reports without a data quality note. The affected reports have been updated with the following data quality note.
There has been an issue identified with data supplied to the HSCIC for the 2011-12 Audit, regarding HbA1c (blood glucose) recording across a number of practices in this CCG. This does not materially affect the findings in the National report. Caution should be taken when comparing data, for HbA1c and all eight care processes.
The issue does not affect the 2012-2013 data and is restricted only to the 2011-2012 data presented in Table 3, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5 in the CCG level reports for those affected.