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Publication, Part of

[MI] National Data Opt-Out October 2018

Other reports and statistics


This publication provides statistics on the volume of unique NHS numbers with an associated national data opt-out. The national data opt-out was introduced on 25th May 2018. It was introduced following recommendations from the National Data Guardian and Government accepted. It prevents confidential patient information from being disclosed except for purposes of individual care across the health and care system in England. The previous GP data opt-outs process known as a type 2s (registered via GP Practices) have been migrated into the national data opt-out. Type 2 opt-outs were registered via GP practices whereas, national data opt-outs can be registered through a range of different channels. NHS Digital has previously published data relating to type 2 opt-outs in the Care Information Choices publication. A link to this publication can be found under related links below.

This publication includes the number of people who have a national data opt-out.

Future publications will include a more detailed breakdown of national data opt-outs. Breakdowns will include a variety of geographical and demographic information. It will also include a breakdown at national level by the channel used to register the opt-out as well as who set the opt-out in instances where the opt-outs have been registered by a proxy.

Key Facts

Last edited: 23 October 2018 10:07 am