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Publication, Part of

Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2022 - wave 3 follow up to the 2017 survey

Official statistics, Survey

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Firstly, we thank all the children, young people and parents who so generously gave their time to participate in this survey.  

Running a national survey relies on the expertise of many people. We thank the professional and committed team based at the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), NHS Digital and Cambridge and Exeter universities for all their work on this report.  

In ONS, this report would not have taken place without the work of Mike Welsby, Amy Davison, Andy Fallows, Daniel Towler, Lily O’Flynn, Simon Whitworth, Jason Riches and Tim Vizard.  

At NatCen we thank the computing department, telephone unit, operations department and data management staff. We would like to specifically thank Frederick Carew, Alanna Ryder-Dalton, Jessica Bailey, Alessio Fiacco, Sonia Shirvington, Lawrence Platts and Mari Toomse-Smith for all their work on the survey.  

NHS Digital commissioned the survey series with funding from the Department of Health and Social Care and Department for Education. We are particularly grateful to the Surveys Team: Fiona Daley, Karen Shaw, Hena Mohmood and Sarah Roberts; and the Analytical Team: Sharon Thandi, Peter Adamson and Gabriel Chichi.

Dr Tamsin Newlove-Delgado was funded by a National Institute for Health Research Advanced Fellowship (NIHR300056) whilst undertaking this work. Professor Tamsin Ford was also supported with funding from the UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council) as part of their “Ideas to address COVID-19” call.   

Last edited: 31 January 2023 9:34 am