Publication, Part of Maternity Services Monthly Statistics
Maternity Services Monthly Statistics May 2020, experimental statistics
Official statistics
Maternity Services Monthly Statistics May 2020, experimental statistics
This is a report on NHS-funded maternity services in England for May 2020, using data submitted to the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS).
This is the latest report from the new version of the data set, MSDSv2. The new data set is a significant change which adds support for new policy initiatives such as personalised and continuous care plans as well as increased flexibility through the introduction of new clinical coding. This is a major change so data quality and coverage has reduced from the levels seen in previous publications.
The data derived from SNOMED codes is still being developed. We have included data on smoking at booking and birth weight for the first time this month, but others such as BMI and alcohol consumption will follow in later publications. System suppliers are at different stages of developing their new solution and delivering that to trusts. In some cases this has limited the aspects of data that could be submitted to NHS Digital.
These statistics are classified as experimental and should be used with caution. Experimental statistics are new official statistics undergoing evaluation. More information about experimental statistics can be found on the UK Statistics Authority website.
126 successful submissions
For May 2020 data, 126 providers successfully submitted data with 103 submitting data on births.
50,965 bookings in May 2020
50,965 women with an antenatal booking appointment were reported in the period, of which 65% were within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
37,285 births reported
We received data relating to 36,790 deliveries of 37,285 babies. External data sources suggest there are around 55,000 births each month.
55% of deliveries were spontaneous
55% of deliveries were spontaneous vaginal births, 12% had instrumental assistance, 13% were elective caesarean sections and 16% were emergency caesarean sections.
Administrative Sources
Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS): this is a patient-level data set that captures information about activity carried out by Maternity Services relating to a mother and baby(s), from the point of the first booking appointment until mother and baby(s) are discharged from maternity services. This is a secondary uses data set, which re-uses clinical and operational data for purposes other than direct patient care.
Last edited: 27 August 2020 10:38 am