This report presents further findings from the 2013 Learning Disabilities Census, following an initial report published on the 13 December 2013. The principal aim of the Census was to deliver action 17 in 'Transforming Care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital - "an audit of current services for people with challenging behaviour to take a snapshot of provision, numbers of out of area placements and lengths of stay".
The Learning Disabilities Census was collected on the 30 September 2013, providing an individual record level snapshot of inpatients in receipt of treatment from NHS and independent learning disability service providers on that day. This patient group comprises those with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder and/or behaviour that challenges. Data were collected via the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the Department of Health, the Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and NHS England.
This report contains information relating to patient experience of care including drug administration, incidents, ward accommodation, uses of the Mental Health Act (1983), and information on the commissioning and provision of learning disability services including costs and care planning. It also provides more detailed information on a geographical basis and additional service user profile information.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the reference data tables and report were reissued on 11th February 2015 in order to correct minor errors identified in the figures. In Table 9 of the reference data tables, values for counts of patients on Census day detained under Section 48, and under Section 48 with Section 49 restrictions, had been swapped round. These should have been 0 and 5 respectively (and not 5 and 0 as published). In Table 11 of the reference data tables, the Part III/Criminal 'on admission' row total should have been 1,042 (and not 1,045). The error in Table 11 also affected the report as it was reproduced in Table 6 on page 25. Figures in associated commentary remain unaffected.
Users of these statistics should ensure that, if re-using these figures, that they download and use the latest versions of affected products (labelled as v2).