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Publication, Part of

Health Survey England Additional Analyses - Health and health-related behaviours of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual adults

Current Chapter

Health Survey England Additional Analyses - Health and health-related behaviours of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual adults

In response to a query about age standardisation, we have amended the report text to make it clearer that all significance testing was adjusted for age and therefore, differences in the age profiles of survey participants identifying as heterosexual or Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual were taken into account in the commentary on the statistics.

Tables A-C showing the composition of the sample and Table D: Age profile of participants by sexual orientation are included in the report and in the Excel tables.  None of the tables are age-standardised.

8 October 2021 13:57 PM


This report presents findings on the health and health-related behaviours of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) population in England. These are analysed by age, sex and ethnicity. The data are based on a representative sample of adults, aged 16 and over, who participated in the Health Survey for England from 2011–2018. 2% of adults surveyed in 2011-2018 identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB)

The Health Survey for England series was designed to monitor trends in the health, and health related behaviours, of adults and children in England.

  • The prevalence of limiting longstanding illness was higher among LGB adults (26%) than heterosexual adults (22%)
  • A lower proportion of LGB adults were overweight or obese (51%) than heterosexual adults (63%)
  • LGB adults had lower average mental well-being scores on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) (48.9) than heterosexual adults (51.4)

Give us your feedback on this publication

This publication is classified as experimental statistics because it is new. We would like to know what you think of it, how you use it, and any ideas for improvement.  Please send your feedback here (to [email protected] with  ‘Health Survey for England - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual adults, ’ in the subject line).

Last edited: 8 October 2021 2:00 pm

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