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Data set, Part of

1.8 Emergency admissions for alcohol related liver disease


Directly age and sex standardised rate of emergency admissions for alcohol related liver disease in adults aged 19 years and older, per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals.

October 2022: This is the last CCGOIS publication. All Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were statutorily abolished on the 1 July 2022, and from this point all statutory obligations are managed by the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). ICBs were established as statutory bodies from July 2022 and succeed Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs). These came into effect on 1 July 2022. A transition phase has been implemented from 1 July 2022, during which the 106 Organisation Data Service (ODS) codes that identified CCGs will be temporarily retained, but the names will be changed to identify the ‘Sub ICB Location’.

March 2022 - The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began to have an impact on Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data late in the 2019-20 financial year, which continued into the 2020-21 financial year. This means we are seeing different patterns in the submitted data, for example, fewer patients being admitted to hospital, and therefore statistics which contain data from this period should be interpreted with care. Further information is available in the annual HES publication:

As of the October 2020 release, the CCG OIS is now published on an annual basis, as a result provisional data periods will no longer be published. The annual update will be based on finalised data for the April to March reporting period each year.

As of the March 2020 release, the data included in the December 2019 publication for the 2018/19, July 2018 to June 2019 (Provisional) and October 2018 to September 2019 (Provisional) data periods has been revised. This is due to a revision of a large proportion of records for East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (RXC) which had missing information for the condition the patient was in hospital for and other conditions the patients suffer from. The revised data for these reporting periods also differs from that originally published in December 2019 in that the HES database is routinely updated (overwritten) on a monthly basis for the year in progress. Data for the two provisional periods remain provisional, but is now more complete than it was when the December 2019 publication was released. This effect cannot be readily separated from the effect of the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (RXC) resubmission which also took place after processing for the December 2019 publication.

Legacy unique identifier: P01807
