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Data set, Part of

1.14 Maternal smoking at delivery


The percentage of women who were smokers at the time of delivery, out of the number of maternities, 95% confidence intervals.

October 2022: This is the last CCGOIS publication. All Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were statutorily abolished on the 1 July 2022, and from this point all statutory obligations are managed by the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). ICBs were established as statutory bodies from July 2022 and succeed Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs). These came into effect on 1 July 2022. A transition phase has been implemented from 1 July 2022, during which the 106 Organisation Data Service (ODS) codes that identified CCGs will be temporarily retained, but the names will be changed to identify the ‘Sub ICB Location’.

As of March 2018, NHS Digital no longer publish the data for this indicator in the CCG OIS release. All resource files have been removed and replaced with a link to the source publication, ‘Statistics on Women’s Smoking Status at Time of Delivery’ (SATOD) publication (NHS Digital).

The publications are released on a quarterly basis, and the series contains current and historic data periods.

To access the data, follow the resource link which will open on the NHS Digital SATOD series page. Select the time period of interest and within a publication navigate to the ‘Resources’ / ‘Data Sets’ section toward the bottom of the page and download the file titled ‘Statistics on Women’s Smoking Status at Time of Delivery’. Within the downloaded file, the data for the indicator is displayed in the tab titled ‘Table 2a’.

Legacy unique identifier: P01813