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Data set, Part of

1.5 Mortality within 30 days of hospital admission for stroke


Casemix adjusted standardised mortality ratio (SMR) of people with known stroke type who die within 30 days of hospital admission, 99.8% control limits (CL).

As of June 2020, NHS Digital no longer publish the data for this indicator. All resource files have been removed and replaced with a link to the source organisation, the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP).

The SSNAP publications are released on an annual basis and the series contains current and historic data periods.

To access the data, follow the resource link provided to the SSNAP website which will open on the ‘Results’ tab and on the left hand pane, the ‘CCG/LHB/LCG’ option should be selected. On the right hand side of the pane there is the option to select either ‘Periodic’ or ‘Annual’, please ensure the ‘Annual’ option is selected, this will then update the options available in the drop down list. Select the year of interest and download the file titled ‘CCG/LHB Public Table of Mortality’. Within the downloaded file, the data for the indicator is displayed in the tab titled ‘Public Table(Apr 20xx-Mar 20xx’

Legacy unique identifier: P01804
