Publication, Part of Cancer Survival in England
Cancer survival: Index for sub-Integrated Care Boards, 2005 to 2020
National statistics, Accredited official statistics
Links to other related statistics
Other statistics related to cancer are available in:
- Cancer Survival in England provides national estimates of adult cancer survival for 33 cancer sites, including survival by stage at diagnosis where possible, geographic patterns of cancer survival and cancer survival for children
- Cancer Registration Statistics, England provides the number of cancer diagnoses and and cancer deaths as well as crude and age-standardised rates
- Conditional Crude Probabilities of Death in England, provides probabilities of death, split by cancer and non-cancer causes for adult cancer patients in England
- Cancer Statistics Methodology provides information on the contents and methods of all the cancer publications
The issue of comparability of cancer survival statistics across the UK has been discussed at the UK and Ireland Association of Cancer Registries (UKIACR) Executive Board, and a consensus has been made to use the International Cancer Survival Standard (ICSS) weights in cancer survival analysis (as well as the same exclusions in data) in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, so that results are comparable across all countries in the UK and Ireland. Statistics on cancer around the UK are produced in:
- Scotland by the Scottish Cancer Registry and Intelligence Service
- Wales by the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit
- Northern Ireland by the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry
Last edited: 13 April 2023 9:31 am