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National Statistics
Publication, Part of

Community Care Statistics, Social Services Activity, England - 2013-14, Final release

National statistics, Official statistics, Accredited official statistics
Publication Date:
Geographic Coverage:
Geographical Granularity:
Country, Regions, Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs), Ambulance Trusts
Date Range:
01 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2014


This is a report on the social care activity of Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England.  It contains information taken from council administrative systems used to record the process of assessing eligibility to state-funded social care and providing services where people are eligible.


It combines data from three sources: the Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care return (RAP), the Adult Social Care Combined Activity Return (ASC-CAR) and the Personal Social Services Expenditure and Unit Costs Return (PSS-EX1).  Information presented here is based on final data and relates to England for the period 01 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.


  • The number of contacts from new clients in 2013-14 was 2,163,000 (up four per cent from 2012-13 and up six per cent from 2008-09). Of these, 994,000 required a further assessment or commissioning of ongoing service (an increase of three per cent from 2012-13) while 1,168,000 were dealt with at the point of contact (a rise of five per cent from 2012-13)[1].
  • There were 599,000 assessments for new clients in 2013-14 (down less than one per cent from 2012-13 and down 14 per cent from 2008-09). Following assessment, 65 per cent of these clients went on to receive services as a result of their assessment (this is a decrease of two percentage points from 2012-13).
  • There were 843,000 completed reviews for existing clients in 2013-14 (four per cent less than in 2012-13 and 39 per cent less than in 2008-09).
  • The total number of people receiving services in 2013-14 was 1,273,000 (down four per cent from 1,328,000 in 2012-13 and down 29 per cent from 1,782,000 in 2008-09). Of these, 1,052,000 received community based services (a fall of five per cent from 2012-13), 204,000 received residential care (a fall of two per cent from 2012-13) and 85,000 received nursing care (which is two per cent down from 2012-13).
  • The number of people receiving self-directed support was 647,000 (up six per cent from 2012-13). The percentage of people receiving self-directed support increased to 62 per cent of all clients in 2013-14, from 55 per cent in 2012-13, 43 per cent in 2011-12 and 28 per cent in 2010-11. Of these, 153,000 [2] received a direct payment - up seven per cent from 2012-13. 155,000 [3] clients received a direct payment as one of their community based services at some point during the reporting year (an increase of five per cent from 2012-13). The number of carers receiving self-directed support was 112,000 (an increase of eight per cent from 2012-13). Of these, 81,000 received a direct payment, up 14 per cent from 2012-13.
  • Of those receiving community based services not in the form of direct payments in 2013-14, 470,000 received home care, 358,000 received equipment, 195,000 received professional support, 128,000 received day care, 66,000 received short term residential care (excluding respite care), 32,000 received meals and 75,000 received other services.
  • The number of carers receiving services was 353,000 (down less than one per cent from 2012-13 and also down less than one per cent from 2008-09). Of these, 49 per cent of carers received a carer specific service (up one percentage point from 2012-13) and 51 per cent received information only (down one percentage point from 2012-13).

1. Figures do not add up due to rounding
2. Source RAP SD1
3. Source RAP P2f

Note: Following publication, a minor presentational anomaly was identified with the P1 worksheet of the Annex E file. No data were affected but the file has been updated on 12 December 2014.


Last edited: 2 November 2018 2:12 pm