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Mental health services data quality

Interactive visualisations for data quality measures released in the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics publication.

These data are from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS), which reuses operational data produced by NHS and independent providers. The MHSDS data are known to be incomplete and are therefore an undercount at England level.

This report presents information about the quality of data and statistics published each month. This includes provider-level data quality information to help users understand the impact of local data quality issues. The purpose of this report is to support data quality improvement by making this information available in an accessible and interactive format.

Data is available from April 2016.

These statistics relate to complete calendar month reporting periods. Although it is possible to select part-month start and end periods in these visualisations, the statistics are not provided at this level of detail.

How to use this tool

Scroll down to the report you need and expand to full screen mode, using the diagonal arrows located at the bottom right of the visualisation.

To exit full screen mode, press Esc on your keyboard or click on the diagonal arrows again.

To filter results, please refer to the instructions within or below each visualisation.

Accessibility of this tool

This tool is in Microsoft PowerBI which does not fully support all accessibility needs. If you need further assistance, please contact us for help.

Mental health services monthly statistics data quality dashboard

This visualisation presents a variety of data quality aspects which are included in the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics publications.

The visualisation includes:

  • the number of providers that submitted data to the MHSDS each month over a selected reporting period, and the total number of records submitted by them. MHSDS submission reports show those providers providing a submission compared to those NHS Digital consider to be in scope for the collection
  • the volume of data submitted by each provider (coverage), by reporting period
  • supplementary information about data quality submitted by providers in response to NHS Digital assurance activities
  • 'VODIM' data validation rules around important data fields. These group data submitted by providers into one of five categories: Valid, Other, Default, Invalid, Missing

All providers of NHS funded specialist secondary mental health and learning disability services should submit data to the MHSDS. NHS Digital is working with partners to identify non-submitting organisations and improve compliance. 

What the data covers

What you can find out
  • The number of providers submitting data to the MHSDS each month
  • The volume of records submitted by each provider, by month
  • Data quality information for VODIM measures developed for the MHSDS
What the report can't tell you
  • How many organisations should be submitting data. NHS Digital is working with partners to identity and contact non-submitting organisations who are believed to be in scope of MHSDS. When provider status is confirmed, the relevant organisations are added to the MHSDS submission report
  • Whether the submitted data by a particular organisation are complete

MHSDS submission report

This report shows those providers providing a submission compared to those NHS England currently consider to be in scope for the collection.

Notes and data sources

To help interpret these visualisations, please refer to the MHSDS specifications and guidance.

Further information about the measures presented in the report are available in the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics publications.


All values are rounded to the nearest 5, except values that are 4 or lower (including 0) which are suppressed to prevent the identification of individuals.

Figures produced by aggregation in this report may differ from those published as this report calculates totals as the sum of rounded figures.

Suppressed values appear as blank cells in tables and are not counted in rounded totals.

Percentages are based on pre-suppressed values and rounded to zero decimal places, except where the numerator is 0-4, where the percentage is suppressed.

Last edited: 14 September 2023 9:59 am