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AV Gate abuses Anti-Virus Quarantine

A new technique known as AV Gate has been discovered that allows a physical user to restore quarantined files and move them to privileged areas. This technique can be used without administrator rights and can be used for privilege escalation.
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A new technique known as AV Gate has been discovered that allows a physical user to restore quarantined files and move them to privileged areas. This technique can be used without administrator rights and can be used for privilege escalation.

Affected platforms

The following platforms are known to be affected:

Threat details

By restoring quarantined files, which are likely to be malware themselves, this technique reintroduces the risks associated with theses files. An attacker also has the ability to write to the files being restored and could add code to aid in further attacks for instance.

The scope of this vulnerability is reduced by the fact it requires physical access and that the restored files cannot be placed in system-critical Windows folders.

Remediation steps

Type Step
  • Administrators should ensure systems are fully updated.
  • Regular users must not be able to restore or move quarantined files.
  • Users should only be able to access systems they are explicitly authorised to use.
  • Organisations should avoid the use of shared computers where possible.

Last edited: 17 February 2020 11:27 am