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Publication, Part of

Estates Return Information Collection, England, 2016-17

Official statistics, Other reports and statistics
Publication Date:
Geographic Coverage:
Geographical Granularity:
Primary Care Organisations, Care Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Community health services, Hospital Trusts, NHS Trusts, Regions, Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs), GP practices, Hospital and Community Health Services, Independent Sector Health Care Providers, Primary Care Trusts, Mental Health Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Regions, Ambulance Trusts, Country
Date Range:
01 Apr 2016 to 31 Mar 2017


These are the results from the 2016/17 Estates Return Information Collection (ERIC), a mandatory collection for all NHS Trusts including Ambulance Trusts. It comprises information relating to the costs of providing and maintaining the NHS Estate including buildings, maintaining and equipping hospitals, the provision of services e.g. laundry and food, and the costs and consumption of utilities. 

Users should note that all PFI metrics, and certain Trust and site metrics, are experimental statistics - please see the introduction and data quality worksheets in the report for more information.

Please scroll down using the bar on the right to access the results.

Important - please note: Following a detailed data quality study, NHS Trusts were invited to review and resubmit the costs component of their 2016/17 ERIC costs data, together with related fields. The new information was published on the 16th February 2018, and data users are advised to ensure they use this version as several figures have changed. The list of re-collected fields is provided in the data report below, and the rational for the revalidation exercise is explained in the data quality statement. In reviewing their data a small number of Trusts identified issues with fields that were not part of the exercise; corrected figures for these fields are provided in the data quality statement.

Note: in 2019 we were advised of an error in Devonshire Partnership NHS Trust's submitted Oil Consumption figures. The correct figure for the aggregate site consumption is 40,798.8 kWh, rather than the reported 3,855 kWh.

Note: 7th September 2021: When the revalidated data was released, only the revised headline figures, report (containing trust, site and PFI level data) and data quality statement were made available (figures in the underlying data .csv files were not updated, although revised trust, site and PFI revised figures were available in the data tables). We apologise for any confusion caused and have now published revised .csv files to accompany the release products. These are clearly labelled below.


NHS Digital has continued to work alongside stakeholders and data providers to improve data quality for the 2016/17 collection, particularly in the area of data definition refinement. Such clarifications are likely to have more of an impact at local level and are likely to be reflected in the data reports. At national level, information is considered to be broadly comparable where included in this report although statistics should still be treated with caution, especially where labelled as experimental. Percentage change figures shown between reporting years are merely indicative and users should bear in mind that improvements to data quality may impact these figures.  Other factors such as the evolving nature of healthcare delivery across the NHS estate, changes to the makeup of the estate itself and the impact of policy agendas such as the Carter Efficiency Review may have had some effect on trends.

For the period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017, NHS organisations reported:

  • The total costs of running the NHS estate were £8.6 billion, an increase of 3.6% on that reported in 2015/16.

  • The total energy usage from all energy sources across the NHS estate amounted to 11.2 billion kWh, a decrease of 6.3% on that reported in 2015/16.

  • The total cost to eradicate backlog was £5.5 billion,  an increase of 11.5% on that reported in 2015/16. This is also known as 'backlog maintenance' and is measure of how much would need to  be invested to restore a building to a certain state based on a state of assessed risk criteria. It does not include planned maintenance work (rather, it is work that should already have taken place).

  • The total cost for cleaning services was £1.0 billion, an increase of 0.8% on that reported in 2015/16.

  • The total cost of providing inpatient food was £0.6 billion, an increase of 2.1% on that reported in 2015/16.


Last edited: 7 September 2021 9:28 am