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National cervical screening

The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHS CSP) call/recall system invites women and people with a cervix to book a cervical screening appointment every three or five years, depending on their age.

New NHS cervical screening management system

NHS England is preparing to launch a new call/recall system called the NHS Cervical Screening Management System (CSMS) which will replace the current NHAIS system accessed through Open Exeter.

CSMS will be much easier to navigate than the current system, freeing up more of your time. The system will look different, but the functionality will largely be the same. It will be accessed using an NHS Smartcard rather than a username and password.

Once CSMS goes live, users will not be able to access the old Open Exeter system for NHS Cervical Screening Programme purposes, so it's important to take the necessary steps to prepare for CSMS smartcard access.

System users are required to complete training before using CSMS. Training will be in 2 parts and the first training module will be made available on e-Learning for Health in February 2024.

Cytology statistics

Cytology statistics provide information to the Department of Health and Social Care to support their monitoring of the cervical cancer screening programme.

Contact details

National Helpdesk Exeter

Email: [email protected] or phone: 0300 303 4034

Last edited: 9 February 2024 10:08 am