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Publication, Part of

Personal Health Budgets: Quarter 4 2023-24


This publication provides Management Information (MI) for Integrated Care Boards (ICB) in England who submitted data on Personal Health Budgets (PHB) for Quarter 4 2023-24 (January - March 2024).

By the end of Quarter 4 2023-24 (March 2024) 188,489 people had received Personal Health Budgets in England.

Key Facts

188,489 people received Personal Health Budgets

162,634 adults and 25,855 children and young people received Personal Health Budgets by the end of Quarter 4 2023-24.

29,399 adults with a Personal Health Budget were eligible for Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) is a package of care for adults aged 18 or over which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS.

15% of Personal Health Budgets were delivered as direct payments

80% of Personal Health Budgets were delivered as notional budgets, and 5% as third party budgets.

A notional budget is where the NHS arranges and pays for the care; a direct payment is where the individual receives payment to buy care and support, and arranges it themselves; and a third party budget is where another organisation receives the payment and arranges the care.

Last edited: 15 May 2024 9:37 am