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Publication, Part of

Patients Registered at a GP Practice December 2020

Official statistics, Open data, Other reports and statistics


Data for this publication are extracted each month as a snapshot in time from the Primary Care Registration database within the NHAIS (National Health Application and Infrastructure Services) system. This release is an accurate snapshot as at 1 December 2020.

GP Practice; Primary Care Network (PCN); Sustainability and transformation partnership (STP); Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS England Commissioning Region level data are released in single year of age (SYOA) and 5-year age bands, both of which finish at 95+, split by gender. In addition, organisational mapping data is available to derive STP; PCN; CCG and Commissioning Region associated with a GP practice and is updated each month to give relevant organisational mapping.

Quarterly publications in January, April, July and October will include Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) populations and a spotlight report.

The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to changes in the work of General Practices and subsequently the data within this publication. Until activity in this healthcare setting stabilises, we urge caution in drawing any conclusions from these data without consideration of the country's circumstances and would recommend that any uses of these data are accompanied by an appropriate caveat.


Patients Registered at GP practices in England as at 1 December 2020.


more registered patients as at 1 December 2020, compared to 1 November 2020.

Last edited: 8 June 2021 8:39 am