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Publication, Part of

Mental Health Bulletin 2018-19 Annual report

Official statistics, Experimental statistics


This publication provides the most detailed picture available of people who used NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services in England during the financial year 2018-19.

All the analysis included in this publication can be found in the reference data tables, and in the associated machine-readable data file. Information you need to know about the quality of these statistics and how they can be interpreted can be found in the main report. An interactive report is also available allowing you to explore some statistics in further detail.

Demographic analysis (age, gender, ethnicity and Index of Multiple Deprivation) is presented for 2018-19. Please consult previous editions of this publication series for demographic analysis for previous years. All annual and monthly publications relating to uses of mental health, learning disabilities and autism services can be found in the related links below.

• Please note: Mental Health Bulletin, 2019-20: Removal of Care Programme Approach measures consultation

NHS Digital is continually working to improve the relevance and usefulness of content in the Mental Health is a Bulletin. Alongside planned additions and improvements, it has been brought to our attention that the three measures (and associated breakdowns) relating to the Care Programme Approach (CPA) are no longer a priority and that the monitoring of individual elements of good care delivers greater benefit.

As a result of this feedback we are consulting on the removal of the following measures from the Mental Health Bulletin, 2019-20:

  • 2a - Number of people in contact with NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services on the Care Programme Approach (CPA)
  • 2b - Number of people in contact with NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services not on the Care Programme Approach (CPA)
  • 2c - Proportion of people in contact with NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services on the Care Programme Approach (CPA)

If you have any comments on the proposed removal of these measures please contact us at [email protected] and use the title “Mental Health Bulletin 2019-20: Removal of Care Programme Approach measures consultation” by 01 September 2020.

  • 2,726,721 people were known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services at some point in the year. 632,261 of these were under 18 years of age.
  • This means that 4.9% of people in England were known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services during this year.
  • 3.8% (104,035) of people known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services spent time in hospital as part of being in contact with these services during 2018-19.

Last edited: 20 August 2020 4:59 pm