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Publication, Part of

Excess under 75 mortality rates in adults with serious mental illness - 2018 to 2020

Experimental statistics

Data Removal

NHS Digital have uncovered an issue with the underlying data previously published in this publication. The issue impacts all of the data included in this publication and as such the data has been removed.

This data has been reissued on May 4, 2022.

Previous versions of the data held for the 2018-20 reporting period should be disregarded.

4 May 2022 09:30 AM

Additional Underlying Causes, Age and Deprivation Breakdown Added

NHS Digital have expanded the 2018-20 Excess Mortality Indicator output to include additional breakdowns at England level for 10 year age groups and deprivation quintiles. Data at England, Region and UTLA level is provided for underlying causes.

These were published on May 4, 2022.

4 May 2022 09:30 AM

Northamptonshire UTLA, East Midlands and South East Regions

An error has been identified with the data in this publication. This error relates to data for Northamptonshire UTLA and subsequently the the data for the East Midlands region. The Northamptonshire UTLA underwent changes in the 3 year period which were not previously accounted for. This has been rectified and changed. Changes are at region level are not significant however the changes at UTLA level for Northamptonshire are significant. Additionally, a small number of deaths in the South East region were not mapped previously, these have been added causing a small change in the South East region data

10 February 2023 14:19 PM


This indicator is a measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) die younger than adults without a serious mental illness (nSMI).

To measure premature mortality in adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI).

Data published from August 2021 uses a new methodology which takes advantage of an improved person identifier which will allow the timeseries to be extended in the future. Comparisons should not be made with data published previously for this indicator using other methodologies.

ONS have changed the way that all deaths are classified from 1 January 2020. The change involved a change of software from IRIS 4.2.3 to MUSE 5.5. Following assessment of the impact of these changes, the underlying conditions breakdown will be published on 4 May 2022.

Last edited: 10 February 2023 2:24 pm