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Data set, Part of

Years of life lost due to mortality from hypertensive disease: directly standardised rate, 1-74 years, 3-year average, MFP


Years of life lost due to mortality from hypertensive disease (ICD-10 I10-I15).

Years of life lost (YLL) is a measure of premature mortality. Its primary purpose is to compare the relative importance of different causes of premature death within a particular population and it can therefore be used by health planners to define priorities for the prevention of such deaths. It can also be used to compare the premature mortality experience of different populations for a particular cause of death. The concept of years of life lost is to estimate the length of time a person would have lived had they not died prematurely. By inherently including the age at which the death occurs, rather than just the fact of its occurrence, the calculation is an attempt to better quantify the burden, or impact, on society from the specified cause of mortality.

Legacy unique identifier: P00322