Changes to Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics reporting following the move to version 6 of MHSDS
From 2024-25 reporting in the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics, the methodology used to report some metrics will be changed as a result of the release of version 6 of the Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS).
The following changes will be implemented:
1. Deriving Service or Team Type referred To
In version 5 of MHSDS, data on the service or team type referred to was only collected in the MHS102 table. For version 6, data on service or team type is collected in both the MHS101 and MHS102 tables. MHS102 is used to collect data on other teams involved in a referral.
Given that the previous structure of the data did not differentiate between teams as the primary team and other teams involved in the referral, data across both tables will be collated and then used in metrics which use specific service or team types. This is designed to maintain the existing methodology and to preserve trends as much as possible.
2. Updates to the Service Split metrics (metrics with the prefixes (MH, AMH, CYP, LDA)
Currently service splits include a calculation which calculates the percentage of referrals to individual teams (recorded by TeamLocalID) are aged between 3 and 17 at referral. This calculation is done for individual teams on a monthly basis and teams are assigned as Adult if less than 50% of referrals are aged between 3 and 17 at the time of referral. This means that some teams can be classified as CYP some months and AMH in other months.
It is intended that this calculation will be replaced by the MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE OR TEAM INTENDED PATIENT AGE GROUP recorded in the MHS902 table. This will mean that going forwards, providers have more control in assigning teams as CYP or AMH. For the purpose of the calculation, teams recorded as 02 – Children and Young Person will be included in the calculation of CYP referrals. All other intended patient age groups will fall into the AMH category.
The calculation of the LDA service split will remain unchanged and as such, this change only impacts metrics with the suffix AMH, CYP or MH.
3. MHS20 – Number of people in contact with services at the end of the reporting period with a diagnosis recorded
This metric counts the number of people in contact with services who have a diagnosis recorded. Currently this takes into account data from the Provisional, Primary and Secondary diagnosis tables.
As part of version 6, the provisional diagnosis table is being removed and replaced with a Presenting Complaint table. For the purposes of this metric, the Presenting complaint table will be added into the calculation and as such will include any person who has a provisional, primary or secondary diagnosis recorded or a presenting complaint recorded. This has been done as the provisional diagnosis table no longer exists, and given the low recording of diagnosis within MHSDS, it is important to capture the number of patients with some recorded diagnosis, even if it is presenting complaint, not a diagnosis.
4. 72 Hour follow ups
The list of bed types included in the 72 hour follow up metrics has been updated as a result of version 6. In version 5 the following bed types are in scope for the metric:
- 10 - Acute adult mental health care
- 11 - Acute older adult mental health care (organic and functional)
- 12 - Adult Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (acute mental health care)
- 17 - Adult High dependency rehabilitation
These will be replaced by the following bed types from version 6 reporting onwards:
- 200 - Acute Adult Mental Health Care
- 201 - Acute Older Adult Mental Health Care (Organic and Functional)
- 202 - Adult Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (Acute Mental Health Care)
- 205 - Acute Mental Health Unit for Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism
- 212 - Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation (Mainstream Service)
- 213 - Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation for Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism (Specialist Service)
5. Commissioner reporting
From April 2024 onwards, all metrics will be published using the commissioner attribution methodology based on the Sub ICB of GP Practice or Residence. Currently, a small number of metrics exist that use the Sub ICB of Residence (only) when calculating the commissioner attribution. This change has been made to align all metrics to the same methodology. The metric groups impacted by this change are:
- Adult acute admissions with and without contact metrics
- MHS108 - Number of people accessing community mental health services for adults and older adults with serious mental illness who received 2 or more care contacts within the RP (this is based on a 12 month rolling RP)
- MHS109 - Number of People aged 18 to 24 supported through NHS funded mental health with at least one contact (12 month rolling)
- MHS95 - Number of CYP aged under 18 supported through NHS funded mental health with at least one contact (12 month rolling)
- Children and Young Peoples Outcomes metrics
- MHS91 - Number of people in contact with Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Community Services (12 month rolling)
- Length of stays over 60 and 90 days metrics
- MHS116 - Number of referrals that accessed Individual Placement Support (IPS) in the reporting period
6. Bed Type groupings
In some metrics, a bed type grouping is used to group the granular bed types recorded in the Hospital Bed Type Field. These have been updated to reflect version 6 codes. The bed type groupings for v5 and v6 are displayed below:
Grouping | Version 5 bed types | Version 6 bed types |
Adult Acute | 10 - Acute adult mental health care |
200 - Acute Adult Mental Health Care 202 - Adult Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (Acute Mental Health Care) |
Older Adult Acute | 11 - Acute older adult mental health care (organic and functional) | 201 - Acute Older Adult Mental Health Care (Organic and Functional) |
Adult Specialist | 12 - Adult Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (acute mental health care) 13 - Adult Eating Disorders 14 - Mother and baby 15 - Adult Learning Disabilities 17 - Adult High dependency rehabilitation 19 - Adult Low secure 20 - Adult Medium secure 21 - Adult High secure 22 - Adult Neuro-psychiatry/Acquired Brain Injury |
203 - Adult Eating Disorders 204 - Mother and Baby 205 - Acute Mental Health Unit for Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism 206 - Adult Low Secure 207 - Adult Medium Secure 208 - Adult High Secure 209 - Adult Neuro-Psychiatry/Acquired Brain Injury 210 - Adult Personality Disorder 211 - Adult Mental Health Services for the Deaf 212 - Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation (Mainstream Service) 213 - Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation for Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism (Specialist Service) |
CYP Acute | 23 - General child and young PERSON admitted PATIENT - Child (including High Dependency) 24 - General child and young PERSON admitted PATIENT - Young PERSON (including High Dependency) |
300 - General Child and Young Person - Child (up to and including 12 years) 301 - General Child and Young Person – Young Person (13 years up to and including 17 years) |
CYP Specialist | 25 - Eating Disorders admitted patient - Young person (13 years and over) 26 - Eating Disorders admitted patient - Child (12 years and under) 27 - Child and Young Person Low Secure Mental Illness 28 - Child and Young Person Medium Secure Mental Illness 29 - Child Mental Health admitted patient services for the Deaf 30 - Child and Young Person Learning Disabilities / Autism admitted patient 31 - Child and Young Person Low Secure Learning Disabilities 32 - Child and Young Person Medium Secure Learning Disabilities 33 - Severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Young person 34 - Child and Young Person Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit |
302 - Eating Disorders – Child and Young Person 303 - Child and Young Person Low Secure Mental Illness 304 - Child and Young Person Medium Secure Mental Illness 305 - Child Mental Health Services for the Deaf 306 - Child and Young Person Low Secure Learning Disabilities 307 - Child and Young Person Medium Secure Learning Disabilities 308 - Severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Young Person 309 - Child and Young Person Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit 310 - Child and Young Person Learning Disabilities 311 - Child and Young Person Autism |
Not grouped | 35 - Adult admitted patient continuing care 36 - Adult community rehabilitation unit 37 - Adult highly specialist high dependency rehabilitation unit 38 - Adult longer term high dependency rehabilitation unit 39 - Adult mental health admitted patient services for the Deaf 40 - Adult personality disorder |
7. Restraints
In current reporting, the average minutes of restraint are calculated for restraints that started and ended in the month. As a result, for some restraint types, specifically seclusion and segregation, this can lead to averages that do not represent all uses of the restraint types. This is because these restraint types can occur over long periods of time, and as such cross months.
From April 2024 data onwards, these metrics will be amended to calculate the average minutes of restraint for all restraints that ended in the month. Additionally, new metrics will be included that show the average number days (as median and mean) for incidents of seclusion and segregation that remain open at the end of the reporting period.
The table below presents the metric IDs and measure descriptions for the new revised methodologies:
Publication | Measure reference number | File name | Publication frequency/ reporting period | Measure name | Description of measure |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS98 | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Mean minutes of restrictive intervention in the reporting period | The mean minutes of a single restrictive intervention type |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS98a | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Median minutes of restrictive intervention in the reporting period | The median minutes of a single restrictive intervention type |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS137 | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Average number of restrictive intervention types per incident | The average number of restrictive intervention types per incident (MHS77/MHS136) |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS138 | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Mean minutes of restrictive incident in the reporting period | The mean minutes of a single restrictive intervention incident |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS138a | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Median minutes of restrictive incident in the reporting period | The median minutes of a single restrictive intervention incident |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS146 | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Mean days of seclusion that are still active at the end of the reporting period | The mean duration (days) of active seclusion of those that have been started but not finished |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS146a | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Median days of seclusion that are still active at the end of the reporting period | The median duration (days) of active seclusion of those that have been started but not finished |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS147 | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Mean days of segregation that are still active at the end of the reporting period | The mean duration (days) of active segregation of those that have been started but not finished |
MHSDS Monthly | MHS147a | MHSDS Data_Rstr_MMMPrf_20YY.csv | Monthly | Median days of segregation that are still active at the end of the reporting period | The median duration (days) of active segregation of those that have been started but not finished |
8. Removal of metrics MHS92, MHS93 and MHS94
From April 2024 performance data, the following metrics have been removed from the publication The publication feedback form included a question on whether these metrics were being used by any users. No feedback was received that indicated the metrics were still in use over the past year:
- MHS92 - Closed referrals for children and young people aged between 0 and 17 with 2 contacts where the length of referral was over 14 days and a paired score
- MHS93 - Closed referrals for children and young people aged between 0 and 17 with 2 contacts where the length of referral was over 14 days
- MHS94 - Percentage of closed referrals for children and young people aged between 0 and 17 with 2 contacts where the length of referral was over 14 days and a paired score
These metrics have been removed following the publishing of the full CYP Outcomes set of metrics (metrics MHS110 to MHS115) and as such, any users who previously used these metrics are advised to use the metrics referenced instead.
Last edited: 1 July 2024 1:53 pm