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Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) measure health gain in patients undergoing hip replacement, knee replacement and up to September 2017, varicose vein and groin hernia surgery in England, based on responses to questionnaires before and after surgery.

This provides an indication of the outcomes or quality of care delivered to NHS patients and has been collected by all providers of NHS-funded care since April 2009.

The PROMs publications contain provider level data and data for England and CCGs/sub-ICBs.  Publications occur biannually and are provisional until the data set is declared finalised.

PROMs data was collected on varicose vein and groin hernia procedures in England, however following on from the NHS England Consultation on PROMs, collection of these procedures ceased on 1 October 2017. Finalised data for varicose vein and groin hernia procedures for 2016/17 and for April 2017 -September 2017 has now been published. Historical data will be unaffected.

Latest provisional data

Data at provider and clinical commissioning group (CCG) / sub-ICB levels, with CSV data files that can be used to perform further analyses on our data, plus a national level overview.

Changes to PROMs linkage process and impact on timeliness of PROMS publication release

To add to the value of the PROMs questionnaire data, they are linked routinely with Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) episode-level information. In 2021 significant changes were made to the processing of HES data and its associated data fields which are used to link the PROMs-HES data. The linking methodology has now been updated and an overview of these changes described below.

The PROMs data is linked to HES data in 4 stages: Patient matching, provider matching, date matching and a 'tie-break' to pick the best match if multiple episode matches occur. Changes have only been made to the patient matching stage. The previous methodology used the patient identifiable data from the PROMs questionnaires to find a matching patient identifier (HESID) in the HES data. The same method has been used; however, the patient identifier is now the Master Person Service (MPS) person identifier (Person_ID). Find more information about MPS and HES changes.

We ran the two linking methodologies in parallel which confirmed this change had a minimal effect on the linked PROMs-HES data, with around 0.1% of questionnaires being affected. We also saw a small increase in the number questionnaires linking with episodes. More information can be found in the updated PROMs guide.

Finalised PROMs data releases

An annual publication is produced for each final data year, including interactive analysis tools and CSV data files that can be used to perform local analyses on our data.

PROMs data quality dashboard

There were changes to the data quality dashboards and more recently we published the report as an interactive Power BI visualisation via the link below. As this is now a public report, this means that the disclosure control rules have been applied to the data to protect patient confidentiality. Further details about the disclosure control rules can be found within the Power BI report. Please note that the dashboard updates are currently paused.

Accessibility of this tool

This tool is in Microsoft PowerBI which does not fully support all accessibility needs. You can find the source data in our Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) publications. If you need further assistance, please contact us for help.



Accessing PROMs data

Last edited: 10 December 2024 11:23 am