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Safeguarding Adults Collection

This dashboard is about the safeguarding of adults at risk. Safeguarding concerns are raised with a local authority when there is suspicion of abuse of an adult.

Accessibility of this tool

This tool is in Microsoft PowerBI which does not fully support all accessibility needs. You can find the source data in our Safeguarding Adults collection. If you need further assistance, please contact us for help.

What you can find out

Safeguarding Adults is a statutory duty for Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England under the Care Act 2014, in order to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect. The data is collected directly from these councils, also known as local authorities. 

This dashboard gives users the ability to interact with aspects of safeguarding activity at national, regional and local level across a number of years from 2016 -17 up to the latest available data.

Further information

Last edited: 8 August 2023 9:27 am