Run your own NHS Keep I.T. Confidential cyber security campaign
Download our resources to run your own cyber security campaign.
Health and adult social care organisations are responsible for their own cyber security, and all staff have a role to play. It's a collaborative effort which relies on everyone in an organisation taking steps to keep information and systems safe.
About the campaign
The Keep I.T. Confidential campaign is designed to raise awareness of cyber security across the NHS. It aims to raise awareness of cyber security threats and share information about what we can all do to reduce risk and protect patients and their data.
You'll find print resources, such as posters and leaflets, plus a variety of digital and social media assets and content.
We've created 2 versions of our Keep IT Confidential toolkit. One for health and one for adult social care to use.
You can download and use the Keep I.T. Confidential campaign resources, including the videos we have produced, to run your own campaign within your area of work.
Our campaign materials
The campaign materials are available to download below, and include:
- screensavers
- posters and sticky notes
- digital and pull-up banners
- social media images (suggested copy is also available within the download)
- photography assets and animated films
The downloadable materials cover a range of cyber security themes and behaviours, including:
- phishing
- sharing data
- ransomware
- weak passwords
- messy files
In certain circumstances, bespoke or altered materials may be available to suit your specific needs. Get in touch by emailing [email protected] to discuss your needs.
How this service aligns with the Cyber Assessment Framework
Open the expander below to find out how this service aligns to the principles and outcomes of the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF).
Last edited: 16 November 2023 8:40 am
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