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USBHarpoon USB-based Attack

Security researchers have created a process for producing malicious USB charging cables. Known as USBHarpoon, it adapts a previous technique for performing USB-based attacks called BadUSB.
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Security researchers have created a process for producing malicious USB charging cables. Known as USBHarpoon, it adapts a previous technique for performing USB-based attacks called BadUSB.

Threat details

BadUSB attacks use reprogrammed USB drive controller chips to make the drive appear as a human interface device (HID) to the computer. A HID can be a variety of devices, from keyboards and mice to network interface cards. Depending on the type of HID the USB is disguised as, the attack can alter system settings, exfiltrate data or cause a denial-of-service condition on the affected system.

USBHarpoon adapts this attack, using standard USB cables instead of removable drives. These altered cables while continue to function as normal, making it difficult to identify USBHarpoon attacks.

For further information

Remediation steps

Type Step
  • Users should be cautious of unfamiliar USB drive or cables.
  • Users should only connect trusted peripherals to their device.

Last edited: 17 February 2020 12:56 pm