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GP Connect

GP Connect allows authorised health and social care workers in a variety of care settings to access their patients' GP records.

New National Data Sharing Arrangement for GP Connect

A National Data Sharing Arrangement (NDSA) was launched in 2023 for GP Connect users. 

The GP Connect NDSA sets out the data sharing requirements and obligations for the use of GP Connect for end user organisations. 

If your organisation already uses GP Connect, you don't need to sign the NDSA but please review our action to take guidance.

Latest updates and actions needed

27 March 2024

New version of the Data Protection Impact Assessment

New version of the National Data Sharing Arrangement

About this service

Healthcare workers
Healthcare workers
GP System A
GP System A
GP Connect
GP Connect

Point-of-care applications
Point-of-care applications

Patient-facing applications
Patient-facing applications
GP System B, C, D etc
GP System B, C, D etc
GP Connect consumers
GP Connect consumers
GP Connect providers
GP Connect providers
View and update patient records
View and update...
View own record
View own record
Route requests to patient's registered GP
Route requests to...
Text is not SVG - cannot display GP Connect allows authorised health and social care workers and patients to view and update a patient's clinical information held by their GP.


GP Connect allows authorised health and social care workers in a variety of care settings to access their patients' GP records.

Health and social care workers can:

  • view a patient's care record and associated documents
  • update a patient's care record and associated documents
  • manage a patient's appointments

We are working on allowing patients to access GP connect. Patients will be able to:

  • view their own care record
  • view their appointments
  • view their prescriptions
  • request permission to view all of the above, if not already granted

GP Connect is a national service that's integrated with all major GP software providers. It routes requests to the appropriate GP system, based on the patient's registered GP.

It does not store any GP, patient or care provider data - it merely enables interconnectivity between authorised and approved systems.

GP Connect products

GP Connect consists of a number of individual 'products', each of which can be used independently:

Product Description
Access Record HTML Access a patient's GP care record as an 'unstructured' document that can be viewed in its entirety.
Structured Access a patient's GP care record as a 'structured', coded and machine-readable data record that can be viewed in individual sections and interpreted by computers.
Access Document Access any documents which are attached to the patient's GP record, such a consultation summary from another care setting.
Update Record (in development) Update a patient's GP care record with structured data (community pharmacy use only).
Send Document Attach a new document to a patient's GP record, such as a consultation summary from another care setting.
Appointment Management Manage a patient's GP appointments.
Patient Facing (in development) As a patient, view your own record and prescriptions.

Who this service is for

GP Connect is for:

  • health and social care workers
  • patients (in development)

The patient must be registered with a GP in England.

GP Connect can be used in a variety of care settings but can only be used for the purpose of direct care, as per our legal directions.

Some functions have restricted use. For example, Update Record is currently only for use by community pharmacy.

Care settings must sign the National Data Sharing Arrangement for GP Connect.

Users cannot access the service directly - they must access it via point-of-care or patient-facing software that is integrated with the GP Connect APIs.


Benefits of GP Connect include:
  • reduced admin time for healthcare staff through automated data handling
  • faster and improved decision making for clinicians
  • faster patient journey through care pathways due to better availability of information
  • reduced cost and accelerated development of new digital solutions across all care settings

What information is available

Who is included

GP connect provides access to patient records held by their GP. For a given patient's record to be available via GP Connect, the following must be true:

Note that some suppliers and GPs might be live with a subset of the GP Connect products.

What information is held for each patient

For details of information held for each patient, see Appendix 2 of the GP Connect transparency notice.

National usage policy

GP Connect for providers

Providing access to patient records via GP Connect is mandated for all GP practices in England.

Accordingly, it is also mandated for GP software suppliers as part of the GP IT Futures framework, and will be mandated as part of the upcoming Digital Services for Integrated Care framework that replaces it.

GP Connect for consumers

Using GP Connect to access GP records from other care settings isn't usually mandated, however:

  • it might be mandated by specific commercial frameworks
  • even if not mandated, it is strongly recommended as it can help improve patient outcomes.

How this service works

Examples of use

Status, service level and current usage

GP Connect is live with further GP Connect capabilities part way through their design, implementation and roll-out.

The status of each of the GP Connect products is as follows:

Product Status Go-live date
Access Record: HTML Live - in active use 2018
Appointment Management Live - in active use 2018
Access Record: Structured - medications and allergies

Live - in active use

Send Document Live - in active use 2023
Access Record: Structured - encounters and uncategorised In FoT (EMIS only) 2024
Access Record: Structured - immunisations In FoT (EMIS only) 2024
Access Record: Structured - investigations In development 2024
Update Record In development 2024
Access Document FoT ready (EMIS and TPP) 2024/25
Patient Facing Services In development

2024-2025 (depending on provider)

'FoT' refers to First of Type, an iterative cycle that facilitates the development, self-assessment, assurance and live deployment of supplier systems consuming GP Connect products.

GP Connect is a silver service, meaning it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and supported from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. 

How to access this service

Health and social care workers

To access GP Connect, you need to be using clinical software that is integrated as a GP Connect 'consumer'.

If you are using a product that has already been assured for GP Connect or you intend to use a product that has been assured with a GP Connect capability (see Consumer supplier progress), you will need to contact your IT helpdesk or supplier account manager to arrange GP Connect for your organisation

If you are a supplier or programme that wants to onboard, see Onboarding.

Software developers

Contact us

Enquiry Point of contact
Live service incident

National Service Desk

Email: [email protected]

General enquiries about the service

GP Connect team

Email: [email protected]

Strategic direction of the service

Karen Miles

Email: [email protected]

Senior responsible officer (SRO)

Ian Lowry

Email: [email protected]

Further information

internal GP Connect: Access Record

GP Connect: Access Record makes patient medical information available to all appropriate clinicians when and where they need it to support direct patient care, leading to improvements in both care and outcomes.

internal GP Connect: Send Document

The GP Connect: Send Document provides the capability for a patient’s registered GP practice to receive a document capturing the details of a care encounter following a patient being seen in another care setting.

internal GP Connect: Appointment Management

We're helping primary care organisations share appointments with other care settings such as Extended Access Hubs, NHS111 and COVID vaccination hubs to improve patient care. The majority of GP practices in England can now use GP Connect: Appointment Management so that organisations can share and manage their appointments to support joined-up patient care.

Last edited: 9 April 2024 9:23 am