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Leicestershire and Rutland County Councils (LLR)

Rollout of NHSmail and access to Electronic Patient Record to care providers. Scale during programme is 60% of Leicestershire care homes accredited (200+).


Rollout of access to SystmOne TPP GP record and NHSmail to care providers who have completed ‘Standards Met’ of the DSPT (Data Security and Protection Toolkit).

Use cases, methods and how to guides with particular focus on GP record access barriers.


  1. Rollout blueprint for TPP Systm1 EPR care home module, including governance aspects.
  2. Blueprint: choosing an EPR access solution.
  3. Blueprint: Data Protection Impact Assessment for S1 EPR rollout.
  4. Blueprint: Information Sharing Agreement for S1 EPR rollout.
  5. EPR interactive use case: Care Home flagging/following up UTI with GP.
  6. EPR interactive use case: capture of podiatry care needs, supporting podiatry referral.
  7. EPR interactive use case - enriched medical observations.
  8. NHSmail getting started guide.
  9. Input to national PRSB standards process. See PRSB products.

Download a copy of the publishable statement

One of the main objectives of the pathfinder projects was that any other communities that might wish to adopt a similar approach should not be charged a second time by the supplier for the same software development costs (although reasonable implementation and maintenance could of course be levied). 

Further information

For further information contact: Sandra Taylor [email protected]

Last edited: 26 July 2021 3:47 pm