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4 results
Electronic Prescription Service
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is for prescribers and dispensers and is used in primary and secondary care.
Direct care Medications and prescriptions General practice Secondary care Pharmacy Recommended Health and care workers Patients Service Live Has active roadmapFalsified Medicines Directive implementation toolkits
Guidance toolkits developed for healthcare providers to help prepare for the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive.
Direct care Medications and prescriptions Health and care workers ServiceMedicines interoperability
Enabling the seamless exchange of information about patient medications, allergies, intolerances and prescriptions across all NHS clinical IT systems will improve safety and efficiency, allow staff to focus on care and provide patients with a better experience.
Interoperability Medications and prescriptions Health and care workers Service LivePersonal Demographics Service
The Personal Demographics Service (PDS) is the national master database of all NHS patients in England, Wales and the Isle of Man - holding basic patient details such as name, address, date of birth, contact details, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number. PDS has a National Back Office for handling data quality.
Direct care GP registration Medications and prescriptions Patient information and demographics Mandated Health and care workers Patients Service Live