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Find national digital services and programmes for health and social care in England.
For other national resources, see National technology resources for Integrated Care Systems.
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
We identify individuals at highest risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, and invite them for screening
Population health and proactive care Screening Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveAccess and store digital patient documents
Store and retrieve digital copies of GP patients' historical Lloyd George paper records.
Care records General practice Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveBooking and Referral Standard
The Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) is an interoperability standard that enables digital patient journeys or operational processes for patients, healthcare workers and carers. It allows relevant information to be shared quickly, safely and in a format that is useful. It will eventually be available in all care settings.
Direct care Appointments, bookings, referrals Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveBowel cancer screening
NHS Digital runs separate bowel cancer screening systems in England and the Isle of Man. The systems identify eligible people to be screened and invite them to participate in bowel screening.
Population health and proactive care Screening Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveBreast screening services
Breast screening services in the UK are supported by NHS Digital who provide the software to manage the call and recall of women who are eligible for breast screening.
Population health and proactive care Screening Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveBureau Service Portal
NHS Digital hosts the Bureau Service Portal, a facility that allows centralised collection and processing of national health service data. NHS Digital collects the data to produce a number of data sets.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveCalculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS)
The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) is an approvals, reporting and payments calculation system for GP practices.
Direct care GP data General practice Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveCare Identity Service
A service that allows access to patient data using smartcards and self-service smartcard unlock technology, single sign-on, and CIS2 Authentication, enabling registration authorities to manage and maintain access.
Direct care Staff and citizen identity Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveChild Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS) service
Helps health and social care staff to share information securely between local authorities and NHS organisations to better protect society's most vulnerable children.
Direct care Care records Maternity and child health General practice Secondary care Urgent and emergency care Mandated Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapClinical Audit Platform
The Clinical Audit Platform is a web based system for health and care staff submitting data across our range of clinical audits, registries and collections.
Health and care workers Service LiveCohorting as a Service (CaaS)
Cohorting as a Service securely identifies groups of people with shared characteristics from national health data.
Population health and proactive care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveCommissioning Data Set Bureau Service
A hosted facility that provides centralised processing of trusts' commissioning data sets through to the Secondary Uses Service (SUS).
Health and care workers Service LiveConnecting Care Records programme
Connecting Care Records programme ensures authorised health and care professionals have ready, safe and secure access to the person-related information that they need to provide care, when they need it, where they need it, and how they need it.
Direct care Care records General practice Secondary care Health and care workers Transformation teams Service group Programme Active programmeCoronavirus (COVID-19) risk assessment
QCovid® is a coronavirus risk prediction model, created by the University of Oxford, which we're using to support the NHS coronavirus response.
Research and innovation Health and care workers Service LiveCOVID Oximetry @home - digital and data services
COVID Oximetry @home was a service to monitor patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in their own home or care home.
Direct care Health and care workers ServiceCyber and data security
We protect our NHS and care organisations from cyber attacks and we monitor for new threats 24 hours a day. Our teams support organisations across the NHS with advice, assessments, and training.
Direct care Core infrastructure and productivity tools Mandated Health and care workers Service groupData Access Environment (DAE)
The Data Access Environment (DAE) is the secure way users can remotely access better linked information and ensures the right person, with the right permissions gets the right data, in accordance with their Data Sharing Agreement (DSA).
Population health and proactive care Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveData Access Request Service (DARS)
The Data Access Request Service (DARS) can offer clinicians, researchers and commissioners the data required to help improve NHS services. We handle applications, process data and provide access to specific sets of data when requests are approved.
Direct care Research and innovation Optional Health and care workers Transformation teams Service LiveData Collection and Improvement Service
The Data Collection and Improvement Service was established to collect and improve health and social care data to support the delivery and improvement of services.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Optional Health and care workers Service LiveData Landing Portal (DLP)
The Data Landing Portal (DLP) allows data to be transferred securely between organisations through a centrally managed system.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Optional Health and care workers Service LiveData Registers Service
A service that provided a trusted source and location for 'data registers' - live lists of reference data for things like NHS organisations and workers.
Health and care workers ServiceData Security and Protection Toolkit
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that all organisations must use if they have access to NHS patient data and systems.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Mandated Health and care workers Transformation teams Service LiveData Services for Commissioners (DSfC)
We're responsible for ensuring NHS Digital meets its statutory and service obligations to commissioners. We do this via the Data Services for Commissioners Regional Offices (DSCROs) and by developing and implementing policies and plans.
Planning, oversight and service improvement Optional Health and care workers Service LiveDigital Child Health
Our purpose is to support the delivery of the recommendations set out in the NHS England strategy Healthy Children: Transforming Child Health Information. Find out more about what we're doing.
Direct care Maternity and child health Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveDigital Firearms Marker
The Digital Firearms Marker is part of an improved process to help better monitor the physical and mental health of those who have a firearm licence or have applied for one.
Direct care GP data Health and care workers Service LiveDigital Learning Solutions
The Digital Learning Solutions team provide a range of tools and products that assist organisations to design, develop and distribute online learning.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Health and care workers Service LiveDigital supervision platform
The digital supervision platform enabled digital supervision in primary care.
Planning, oversight and service improvement General practice Health and care workers ServiceDirectory of Services (DoS)
The urgent and emergency care Directory of Services (DoS) is a database of NHS services in England. It works with NHS Pathways, the decision support system behind 111 and some 999 providers, to provide real-time information for patients about the right place to go.
Direct care Registers Urgent and emergency care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveDischarge pathways model
The Discharge Pathways Model is a national tool that supports system planning, commissioning and ‘right-sizing’ of bedded and non-bedded capacity to meet the demand for rehabilitation, reablement and recovery.
Planning, oversight and service improvement Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveElectronic Prescription Service
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is for prescribers and dispensers and is used in primary and secondary care.
Direct care Medications and prescriptions General practice Secondary care Pharmacy Recommended Health and care workers Patients Service Live Has active roadmapEmergency Department Digital Integration
As part of the NHS 111 First programme, the Emergency Department Digital Integration (EDDI) product will enable emergency department slot booking from 111 telephone and online services. This information is for healthcare professionals and NHS support staff who will be using the EDDI.
Appointments, bookings, referrals Urgent and emergency care Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveFalsified Medicines Directive implementation toolkits
Guidance toolkits developed for healthcare providers to help prepare for the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive.
Direct care Medications and prescriptions Health and care workers ServiceFemale Genital Mutilation - Information Sharing
Female Genital Mutilation Information Sharing (FGM-IS) is a national IT system for NHS staff that supports the early intervention and ongoing safeguarding of girls, under the age of 18, who have a family history of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Direct care Care records Maternity and child health Recommended Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapFit note reporting
Collection of anonymous data extracted from fit notes issued in GP practice record systems and provided to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
General practice Health and care workers Service LiveFuture Connectivity
Ensuring health and care organisations have the right underlying network infrastructure, broadband connectivity and wireless technology in place to support the growing demand for bandwidth and reliable connectivity.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Recommended Health and care workers Programme LiveGeneral Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)
Data powers the NHS - the collection of GP data could support vital health and care planning and research.
Direct care GP data General practice Mandated Health and care workers Programme Active programmeGeneral Practice Extraction Service (GPES)
We collect information from GPs across the UK for use in planning, research and generating payments.
Direct care GP data General practice Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveGP2GP
GP2GP allows healthcare workers to transfer patients' electronic health records securely, and quickly between their old and new practices when they change GPs.
Direct care GP registration General practice Mandated Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapGP Appointment Data
This programme delivers a range of developments to improve the quality of general practice appointment data (GPAD).
Direct care GP data General practice Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveGP Connect
GP Connect allows authorised health and social care workers in a variety of care settings to access their patients' GP records.
Direct care GP data Interoperability General practice Mandated Health and care workers Patients Service LiveHealth and Social Care Network (HSCN)
The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) provides a reliable, efficient and flexible way for health and care organisations to access and exchange electronic information.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Optional Health and care workers Service LiveHospital Episode Statistics (HES)
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) is a curated data product containing details about admissions, outpatient appointments and historical accident and emergency attendances at NHS hospitals in England.
Planning, oversight and service improvement Secondary care Health and care workers Service LiveIndependent Advisory Panel on Data Release (IAPDR)
NDRS collects, collates data on patients with cancer, congenital anomalies and rare diseases and is made up of two disease registers, these are unchanged by the transfer of NDRS to NHS Digital.
Health and care workers Service LiveiView and iViewPlus
These services have been decommissioned.
Health and care workers ServiceLipid management searches
We've developed a new lipid management search tool to cover atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and the secondary prevention lipid management pathway, which will help those in general practice to proactively identify patients who may benefit from treatment intervention or review.
General practice Health and care workers Service LiveMedicines interoperability
Enabling the seamless exchange of information about patient medications, allergies, intolerances and prescriptions across all NHS clinical IT systems will improve safety and efficiency, allow staff to focus on care and provide patients with a better experience.
Interoperability Medications and prescriptions Health and care workers Service LiveMessage Exchange for Social Care and Health
Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH) provides the ability to share data directly between health and care organisations and is the nationally recognised mechanism for this method of data sharing.
Direct care Interoperability Recommended Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapNational Care Records Service
The National Care Records Service (NCRS) provides a quick, secure way for health and care workers to access national patient information to improve clinical decision making and healthcare outcomes and it is free to use.
Direct care Care records Patient information and demographics Recommended Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapNational Casemix Office
The National Casemix Office (NCO) designs and refines classifications used to describe NHS healthcare activity in England. These classifications underpin the national reimbursement system from costing through to payment, and support local commissioning and performance management.
Planning, oversight and service improvement Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveNational cervical screening
The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHS CSP) call/recall system invites women to book a cervical screening appointment every three or five years, depending on their age.
Population health and proactive care Screening General practice Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveNational COVID Vaccine Invitation Preference Service
Allow patients to opt in or out of receiving notifications from the NHS to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
Population health and proactive care Vaccinations Health and care workers Patients Service LiveNational Disease Registration Service (NDRS)
The National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) is an international leader in population-based disease registration services, real-world clinical data, quality assurance, surveillance, analysis and monitoring.
Population health and proactive care Planning, oversight and service improvement Health and care workers Patients Service LiveNational Events Management Service (NEMS)
The National Events Management Service (NEMS) enables the sharing of specific health information about a patient in near real-time. Information is shared in the form of event messages, following a publish and subscribe model and using the NHS Spine.
Direct care Interoperability Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveNational Health Application and Infrastructure Services
National Health Application and Infrastructure Services (NHAIS) is an IT platform used by the NHS in England, Wales, and Isle of Man to manage primary care registration and deliver cervical screening.
GP registration Core infrastructure and productivity tools General practice Optional Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapNational Record Locator (NRL)
Find and access patient information shared by other health and social care organisations, to support the direct care of a patient.
Direct care Care records Mandated Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapNHS Data Model and Dictionary Service
The NHS Data Model and Dictionary Service provides the development, maintenance and support of NHS Information Standards contained in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary.
Direct care Interoperability Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveNHS Data Standards Directory
Find nationally recognised data standards for use in health and adult social care in England.
Research and innovation Digital transformation Standards Health and care workers Transformation teams Service LiveNHS Digital Staff Passport
NHS Digital Staff Passport is a service that helps employees to move quickly and easily between NHS trusts. Staff can quickly and securely share information including employment checks, core skills and occupational health, reducing form filling and repeated training.
Digital transformation Recommended Health and care workers Service In developmentNHS DigiTrials
Accelerating clinical research through secure data access.
Research and innovation Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Patients Service LiveNHS e-Referral Service
The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) is a digital platform used to refer patients to service providers.
Direct care Appointments, bookings, referrals General practice Mandated Health and care workers Patients Service LiveNHS Knowledge and Library Hub
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects health and social care staff and learners in England to selected, high quality, NHS-funded, knowledge and resources in one place, using a single search.
Research and innovation Health and care workers Service LiveNHSmail
NHSmail is the national secure collaboration service for health and social care in England. It includes a full suite of collaboration and productivity tools based on Microsoft Office 365, such as Outlook for email and calendar, Teams for instant messaging and video calls, and Office for documents and spreadsheets.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Recommended Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapNHS Notify
NHS Notify allows NHS England organisations and services to send NHS App messages, emails, texts and letters to patients and the public more effectively.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Recommended Health and care workers Patients Service Live Has active roadmapNHS Pathways
Find out about NHS Pathways, a clinical tool used for assessing, triaging and directing the public to urgent and emergency care services. Learn more about the about the benefits of the service, how it works and how to use it.
Direct care Citizen health Planning, oversight and service improvement Urgent and emergency care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveNHS Profile Manager
NHS Profile Manager is where pharmacies go to verify and update their service profile including opening times, contact details, facilities and service information. This ensures accurate information for patients and NHS professionals.
Direct care Registers General practice Pharmacy Dentistry Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveNHS Service Finder
NHS Service Finder is a quick, easy and free-to-use product for health and social care professionals to find local NHS services via web or mobile.
Direct care Registers General practice Secondary care Pharmacy Dentistry Optional Health and care workers Service LiveNHS Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi for staff and patients in NHS care settings across England.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Health and care workers Service LiveOpen Exeter
Open Exeter is an IT platform used by the NHS in England and Isle of Man to deliver cervical screening and to access the Bowel Cancer Screening Service (BCSS), Breast Screening Select (BS-Select) and Breast Screening Information System (BSIS).
Core infrastructure and productivity tools General practice Secondary care Optional Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapOrganisation Data Service (ODS)
A national service for managing information about organisations across health and social care.
Direct care Registers Mandated Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapOrphaned Record Continuity
The Orphaned Record Continuity (ORC) service securely stores patients' Electronic Health Records (EHRs) when a GP practice closes and patients have not re-registered
Care records GP registration General practice Health and care workers Service LivePersonal Demographics Service
The Personal Demographics Service (PDS) is the national master database of all NHS patients in England, Wales and the Isle of Man - holding basic patient details such as name, address, date of birth, contact details, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number. PDS has a National Back Office for handling data quality.
Direct care GP registration Medications and prescriptions Patient information and demographics Mandated Health and care workers Patients Service LivePersonal Health Records adoption service
This service supports local digital transformation programmes in England, to develop or commission Personal Health Records (PHRs) and other citizen-facing health tools.
Direct care Citizen health Recommended Health and care workers Service LivePrimary Care Registration Management
Primary Care Registration Management (PCRM) is a back-end service that enables patients to register with a GP practice.
Direct care Care records Maternity and child health Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveReasonable Adjustment Flag
The Reasonable Adjustment Flag is a national record which indicates that reasonable adjustments are required for an individual and optionally includes details of their significant impairments and key adjustments that should be considered.
Direct care Patient information and demographics Mandated Health and care workers Service Live Has active roadmapRepeat Caller Service
The Repeat Caller Service is a national service and a core part of the Integrated Urgent Care national architecture. It acts as an audit for the NHS 111 service, monitoring users who have been processed through the service 3 times or more in a 96 hour period.
Direct care Citizen health Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveSpine
Spine supports the IT infrastructure for health and social care in England, Wales and Isle of Man, joining together over 44,000 healthcare IT systems in 26,000 organisations.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Optional Health and care workers ServiceSummary Care Record
Summary Care Record (SCR) is a national database that holds electronic records of important patient information such as current medication, allergies and details of any previous bad reactions to medicines, created from GP medical records. It can be seen and used by authorised staff in other areas of the health and care system involved in the patient's direct care.
Direct care Care records General practice Health and care workers Service LiveSuspended Record Continuity
The Suspended Record Continuity (SRC) service allows you to update and record when suspended patients register with a new GP practice.
Registers Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveTerminology and Classifications
The Terminology and Classifications delivery service develops and maintains products that enable health and care information to be recorded, shared and categorised.
Direct care Interoperability Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveThe NHS England Terminology Server
A terminology solution to help healthcare IT systems speak the same language, and make mapping codes between organisations faster and easier.
Direct care Interoperability Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveTraining Quality Improvement
Training staff to use clinical and other systems is essential to ensure front-line services are delivered quickly and efficiently. The Training Quality Improvement (TQI) team provides a number of products and services to help training teams deliver high quality training to health and social care staff.
Digital transformation Health and care workers Service LiveTransfer of Care initiative
The Transfer of Care initiative aims to improve patient care by promoting and encouraging the use of professional and technical document standards. To ensure information is shared is consistent in all cases and across all care settings.
Direct care Appointments, bookings, referrals General practice Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveTrusted Research Environment service for England
NHS Digital’s Trusted Research Environment (TRE) service for England provides approved researchers with access to essential linked, de-identified health data to quickly answer COVID-19 related research questions.
Research and innovation Secondary care Mandated Health and care workers Service LiveVaccinations data dashboard
The vaccination data dashboard offers GP surgeries a user-friendly and secure platform to boost vaccination rates. It features downloadable patient invite lists and detailed uptake statistics.
Population health and proactive care Vaccinations General practice Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveVaccinations Data Flow Management
A collection of APIs and other integrations that support the flow of vaccinations information amongst NHS organisations.
Population health and proactive care Vaccinations Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveVaccinations National Booking Service
We're providing systems that enable people to book appointments at sites across England.
Population health and proactive care Vaccinations Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveVaccinations Point-of-Care Solutions
Point of Care Systems send vital data to national systems when a person is vaccinated, including product and batch details, and the recording of adverse reactions.
Population health and proactive care Vaccinations Recommended Health and care workers Service Live