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Find national digital services and programmes for health and social care in England.
For other national resources, see National technology resources for Integrated Care Systems.
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12 results
The National Blueprinting Programme helps Trusts, health providers and ICBs across the health and care system deliver quicker and more cost-effective digitisation, leading to better health outcomes for patients and improved staff experience. This is through the provision of Blueprints and other knowledge artefacts to facilitate peer to peer learning and sharing good practice from previous digital transformation delivery.
Digital transformation Optional Transformation teams Service LiveDigital Clinical Informatics Safety Team
The Digital Clinical Informatics Safety Team provides a digital clinical safety assurance service across the whole of NHS Digital's work so that NHS IT systems support clinicians in providing better, safer patient care.
Digital transformation Optional Transformation teams Service LiveDigital Community Pharmacy, Optometry, Dentistry, Ambulance, Community Care (PODAC) Programme
Improving digitalisation and connectivity in digital community pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, ambulance and community health (PODAC) and the rest of the NHS.
Digital transformation Urgent and emergency care Pharmacy Dentistry Transformation teams Programme LiveGP IT Futures systems and services
GPs, practice staff, suppliers and buyers in integrated care systems (ICS), integrated care boards (ICBs) and commissioning support units (CSUs) can work with us to improve primary care products and services.
Digital transformation General practice Optional Transformation teams Service LiveIT Operations and Service Management Community
We’ve partnered with Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust to establish a community for those working at manager level in IT operations and service management roles within the NHS.
Digital transformation Transformation teams Service LiveLocal Service Providers
Local Service Provider (LSP) Delivery supported the Department of Health in delivery against LSP contracts.
Digital transformation Secondary care Transformation teams ProgrammeNHS Data Standards Directory
Find nationally recognised data standards for use in health and adult social care in England.
Research and innovation Digital transformation Standards Health and care workers Transformation teams Service LiveNHS Digital Staff Passport
NHS Digital Staff Passport is a service that helps employees to move quickly and easily between NHS trusts. Staff can quickly and securely share information including employment checks, core skills and occupational health, reducing form filling and repeated training.
Digital transformation Recommended Health and care workers Service In developmentPartner onboarding
We provide support to NHS customers wishing to integrate NHS England services into their clinical IT systems.
Digital transformation Optional Transformation teams Service LiveTraining Quality Improvement
Training staff to use clinical and other systems is essential to ensure front-line services are delivered quickly and efficiently. The Training Quality Improvement (TQI) team provides a number of products and services to help training teams deliver high quality training to health and social care staff.
Digital transformation Health and care workers Service LiveTrust System Support Model
The Trust System Support Model (TSSM) supports NHS trusts who are planning or have undertaken large digital projects or deployments. It works in partnership with trusts to share system wide learning, and to strengthen the likelihood of a success.
Digital transformation Optional Transformation teams Service LiveWhat Good Looks Like - Digital Maturity Assessments
The national What Good Looks Like Digital Maturity Assessment (WGLL DMA) Programme will allow pre-selected respondents from provider organisations and ICS to self-assess their relative maturity levels against the What Good Looks Like Framework digital capabilities.
Digital transformation Programme Active programme