Service catalogue
Find national digital services and programmes for health and social care in England.
For other national resources, see National technology resources for Integrated Care Systems.
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159 results
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
We identify individuals at highest risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, and invite them for screening
Population health and proactive care Screening Health and care workers Mandated Service Secondary care LiveAccess and store digital patient documents
Store and retrieve digital copies of GP patients' historical Lloyd George paper records.
Care records General practice Recommended Health and care workers Service LiveAcute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt)
A joint programme between NHS Digital and the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) to adopt common standards for data collections and performance measures across both the NHS and private healthcare.
Live Active programme Secondary care Care records Patient information and demographics Has active roadmapAdd or correct the contact details on your NHS record service
Use this service to update or correct a missing or invalid mobile phone number or email address.
Direct care Patient information and demographics Patients Optional Service LiveAdoption Registration Service
Our service is currently not available. Following a review, information on the website will be updated. The service checks for a record of a Civil Death Registration in England, Wales and the Isle of Man on behalf of adoptees and birth relatives to establish if an adoptee or birth relative is recorded as having died.
Direct care Patient information and demographics Patients Optional Service In developmentAPI platform
The NHS England API platform hosts health and care APIs, primarily for the NHS in England.
Transformation teams Core infrastructure and productivity tools Mandated Service LiveAPI platform
The NHS England API platform hosts health and care APIs, primarily for the NHS in England, and provides help and support via the integration hub, API catalogue, developer community, and digital onboarding.
Core infrastructure and productivity tools Transformation teams Mandated Service LiveArtificial data pilot
Artificial data sets provide users with large volumes of data that share some of the characteristics of real data while protecting patient confidentiality. They are designed to model the structure of real data but are completely artificial – they do not contain any actual patient records.
Transformation teams Optional Service Live Research and innovationBlueprinting
The National Blueprinting Programme helps Trusts, health providers and ICBs across the health and care system deliver quicker and more cost-effective digitisation, leading to better health outcomes for patients and improved staff experience. This is through the provision of Blueprints and other knowledge artefacts to facilitate peer to peer learning and sharing good practice from previous digital transformation delivery.
Transformation teams Optional Service Live Digital transformationBooking and Referral Standard
The Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) is an interoperability standard that enables digital patient journeys or operational processes for patients, healthcare workers and carers. It allows relevant information to be shared quickly, safely and in a format that is useful. It will eventually be available in all care settings.
Direct care Appointments, bookings, referrals Health and care workers Recommended Service Live