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Reasonable Adjustment Flag

The Reasonable Adjustment Flag is a national record that shows a person needs accommodations and may include details about their impairments and necessary adjustments.

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Patients and carers

To find out more about the provision of reasonable adjustments, visit the Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability page on GOV.UK or contact the organisations that are providing your care.

About this service

Health and social care 
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Add, view or delete the Reasonable Adjustment Flag
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Future access via API
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Reasonable Adjustment Flag
Reasonable Adj...
National Care Records System
National Care Record...
point-of-care application
Health and social care 
Health and social care...
Text is not SVG - cannot display The Reasonable Adjustment Flag was developed in the NHS Spine to enable health and care professionals to record, share and view details of reasonable adjustments across the NHS, wherever the person is treated.

Under the Equality Act 2010, organisations have a legal duty to make changes in their approach or provision to ensure that services are as accessible to people with disabilities as they are for everybody else. These changes are called reasonable adjustments.

The Reasonable Adjustment Flag was developed in the NHS Spine to enable health and care workers to record, share and view details of reasonable adjustments across the NHS, wherever the person is treated.

The capability is now available on the National Care Records Service (NCRS).

A Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) software interface is available for API-based integration with local point-of-care applications.


  • The Flag is immediately visible (to reception staff, as permitted by local role-based access controls) when the patient is referred or presents for care, often when no other information is available.
  • It will ensure that details of impairments and other key information (such as communication requirements) are shared consistently across the NHS – with patient consent.
  • Supports carers to feel less stressed by informing them of adjustments to services.
  • It can help to reduce stress both for the patient and those treating them.
  • Specialist teams will be able to set the Flag – driving up the number of patients recorded on registers, who are identified for and can benefit from adjustments. This will help screening services to adapt services to ensure patients receive screening.

  • It satisfies legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and NHS contracts and as defined in the NHS Long Term Plan

Who this service is for

This service is for health and social care workers in any care setting who are treating patients that require reasonable adjustments, ensuring their needs are considered and catered for.

This service is only for use in England, and only for the purpose of direct care.

It does not have a user interface - users must access it indirectly via the National Care Records Service (NCRS).

A Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) software interface is available for API-based integration with local point-of-care applications.

What information is available

The Flag is designed to provide staff with information on their duties under the Equality Act 2010. It lists existing adjustments, defined by clinical codes – such as communication needs defined using the Accessible Information Standard clinical codes - as well as the opportunity to create highly individualised bespoke adjustments for patients.

Who is included

The service holds records for all patients in England who have been flagged as needing reasonable adjustments. A record is created for a patient when a health or social care worker first records the patient's reasonable adjustments.

What information is held for each patient

The Flag provides:

  • basic context about a patient
  • key adjustments and the details related to this
  • further information to aid health and care workers

This legal duty is anticipatory which means a service should know about a person’s need for adjustments when they are referred or present for care. For this to happen, and for optimum care to be delivered, adjustments need to be recorded and shared across the NHS. 

The Flag can also record if a patient meets the Equality Act definition of disability - the code is:

  • "Impairment with substantial and long-term adverse effect on normal day to day activity (Equality Act 2010)"

It can also optionally contain details of the disability or long term condition that is the source of the patient’s impairment(s) in line with the Equality Act 2010.

The impairment type list shows the impairment types that can be recorded. The Harmonised Impairment Standard enables the consistent, high profile and routine recording of impairment (including the option of ‘prefer not to say’).

Impairment types

Vision - for example blindness or partial sight

Hearing - for example deafness or partial hearing

Mobility - for example walking short distances or climbing stairs

Dexterity - for example lifting and carrying objects, using a keyboard

Learning or understanding or concentrating


Mental health

Stamina or breathing or fatigue

Social or behavioural - for example associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which includes Asperger’s, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Other (please specify)

Prefer not to say

Categories and types of adjustments

Examples of the categories of adjustments, and the types of adjustments within them, that can be recorded on the Flag, are:

Accessible information - communications support

Details of specific communication methods that are required for interacting with the patient:

  • does lip read
  • does use communication device
  • does use hearing aid
  • preferred method of communication: written
  • uses alternative communication skill
  • uses British Sign Language (BSL)
Accessible information - requires communications professional

Details of specific communication requirements including communication professional and communication devices:

  • British Sign Language interpreter needed
  • Hands-on signing interpreter needed
  • Makaton Sign Language interpreter needed
Accessible information - requires specific contact method

where the patient requires contacts from care organisations to be be provided through specific communication channels or mechanisms:

  • requires audible alert
  • requires contact by email
  • requires contact by letter
  • requires contact by short message service text message
  • requires contact by telephone
  • requires contact by text relay
  • requires contact via carer 
  • requires tactile alert
  • requires visual alert
Accessible information - requires specific information format

Where the patient requires information in a specific format:

  • requires information in contracted (Grade 2) Braille
  • requires information in Easy read
  • requires information in Makaton
  • requires information in Moon alphabet
  • requires information in uncontracted (Grade 1) Braille
  • requires information verbally
  • requires third party to read out written information
  • requires written information in at least 20 point sans serif font
Additional communications support

Additional communication support beyond that defined in the accessible information standard:

  • difficulty analysing information
  • difficulty processing information accurately 
  • difficulty processing information at normal speed 
  • expresses pain atypically 
  • has My Healthcare Passport 
  • needs assistance with communication
  • requires appointment reminders
  • requires carer to be present at encounters 
  • uses apps on mobile device to support communication
  • uses switches for communication
  • uses Tadoma method for communication
Community language support

Including community language support for patients with impairments and carers who provide communication support for the patient and do not speak English:

  • Abkhazian language interpreter needed 

Over 200 language codes can be used to identify a patient's primary language.

Additional support

Including additional staff or carer support for the patient:

  • care to be delivered in consultation with the patients carers
  • has appointed person with personal welfare lasting power of attorney (Mental Capacity Act 2005)
  • needs assistance with medication regimen adherence
  • requires additional staff resource for their mental impairment
  • requires additional staff resource for their physical impairment
  • requires additional staff resource for their sensory impairment
  • requires constant supervision
  • requires enhanced discharge planning
  • unsafe to be left alone
Individual care requirements

Including changes to standard clinical activity to meet individual care needs:

  • dependence on seeing eye dog 
  • has anticipatory care plan
  • has anxiety related to clinical settings
  • needle phobia
  • patient requires minimal waiting time between arrival and being seen
  • preference for female healthcare professional
  • preference for male healthcare professional
  • requires distraction for any procedure
  • requires extended appointment 
  • requires familiarisation for procedures
  • requires familiarisation with environment of care 
  • requires first appointment
  • requires home visits where possible
  • requires Last Appointment
  • requires priority appointment 
  • self care deficit for medication management 
  • uses dispensed monitored dosage system
Adjustments to the environment

Changes to the physical environment in which care is provided (including equipment):

  • eyes sensitive to light 
  • noise intolerance
  • photophobia
  • requires low light environment
  • requires low noise environment
  • requires single room during inpatient care
  • requires wheelchair access
Bespoke reasonable adjustments

Personalised adjustments to the individuals care that are not covered by other:

  • requires reasonable adjustments for health and care access (Equality Act 2010)
Impairment and Reasonable Adjustment codes

National usage policy

This service is mandated for use in all care settings in England.

This is based on:

Examples of use

Recording of impairments - details of disability or long term condition

A Reasonable Adjustment Flag is typically created by a GP, but can also be created by a range of health and care professionals including nurses and therapists from learning disability teams.

The Reasonable Adjustment Flag considers a range of adjustments and requirements for patients, including:

  • a deaf patient who requires a communication device or BSL speaker
  • a patient who is anxious in clinical settings and therefore may need additional considerations to keep them calm
  • a patient who is sensitive to loud noises and would be more comfortable in a low noise environment
  • alterations to buildings by providing lifts, wide doors, ramps for those who need an accessible way to access a service
  • changes to policies, procedures and staff training to ensure that services work for people with physical or sensory disabilities, learning disabilities or long-term conditions such as dementia

Case study - reasonable adjustments for Jamie

How this service works

The Flag is part of the NHS Spine and healthcare professionals and administrative staff can view, create, add or remove information from the Flag. This can be done using the National Care Records Service (NCRS). A Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) software interface is also available for clinical systems to integrate directly with the Flag.

Access is controlled via NHS smartcards and the appropriate Role Based Access Codes (RBAC), so that only authorised healthcare professionals and administrative staff with the relevant security permissions can access the information in the Reasonable Adjustment Flag. Administrative staff who only access demographics information on the spine can clearly see the presence of the Flag but not the information within it.  

Health and care organisations create the Flag in conjunction with the individual and/or their carer or in line with existing best interest decision processes. 

How to create a Flag

This guidance takes you through how to create and view reasonable adjustments on the NHS Spine.

Health and care professionals and supporting staff

This group consisted of: 

  • a broad range of clinicians such as GPs, nurses, psychiatrists, pharmacists, dentists, paramedics, A&E and other emergency staff 
  • clinical specialists in learning disability, autism and other impairments and disability   
  • a wide range of supporting staff including receptionists, practice managers and managers of services
Professional and other related bodies

This group consisted of: 

  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Royal College of General Practitioners 
  • Royal College of Practitioners
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society 
  • Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  • Royal College Of Psychiatrists 
  • Professional Record Standards Body
  • British Medical Association
  • ADSS
  • Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
Care networks and related organisations

This group consisted of:

  • Primary care liaison networks, other related networks and professional senates  
  • Learning Disability Expert by Experience clinical advisors
  • Learning Disability Public Health Observatory
  • Norah Fry Centre, Bristol University – authors of the CIPOLD report 
Government and related public sector organisations

This group consisted of: 

  • Department of Health and Social Care - Dementia and Disabilities Unit, Social Care, Ageing and Disability
  • NHS England Safeguarding team
  • NHS England Equality and Health Inequalities Unit
  • NHS England Autism team
  • LeDer teams 
  • The Equality and Human Rights Commission
Patient related organisations

This group consisted of:

  • Mencap
  • National Autism Society
  • Challenging Behaviour Foundation
  • National Valuing Families Forum
  • Voluntary Organisations Disability Group
  • Age UK – Older Peoples Forum 
  • National Digital team for Inclusion (NDTI) - 5 NDTI national events brought together health care professionals, carers and service users - in addition, over 600 online and paper questionnaires were submitted

Status, service level and current usage

This service is live. It has been live since 2019, and has seen wider adoption since its inclusion in the National Care Records Service in 2023.

It is a bronze service, meaning it is supported between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.


Work is being undertaken to start the process leading to first of type direct integration of the Reasonable Adjustment FHIR API with clinical systems. This will complement the current functionality available in NCRS and lay the groundwork for wider adoption of the Flag across the NHS. Current expectation is that this work on integration will be completed by the end of 2023, after which the capability will be made available for wider use in systems across health and care.

July to September 2023
  • First type of implementation of RA API in INT environment
  • End to end testing of RA API in INT
  • User engagement and testing of RA API user interface
October to December 2023
  • First implementation of RA API in production environment
  • Publication of RA information standard
January to March 2024
  • Current plan is that the RA API will be made a mandatory item on GPITF framework around this time or soon after

How to access this service

The Flag is part of the NHS Spine and healthcare professionals and administrative staff can view, create, add or remove information from the Flag. This can be done using the National Care Records Service (NCRS). A Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) software interface is also available for clinical systems to integrate directly with the Flag.

Access is controlled via NHS smartcards and the appropriate Role Based Access Codes (RBAC), so that only authorised healthcare professionals and administrative staff with the relevant security permissions can access the information in the Reasonable Adjustment Flag. Administrative staff who only access demographics information on the spine can clearly see the presence of the Flag but not the information within it.  

Health and care organisations create the Flag in conjunction with the individual and/or their carer or in line with existing best interest decision processes.

Contact us

The following table shows how to contact us about this service.

Enquiry Point of contact
Live service incident

National Service Desk

Online portal: NHS England Customer Portal

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0300 303 5035

General enquiries about the service

Enquiries team

Email: [email protected]

Strategic direction of the service

Clare Cooke (service owner)

Email: [email protected]


Stephen Koch (senior responsible officer)

Email: [email protected]


Further information

The confidential inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities (external link, opens in a new tab)

The inquiry found: 1) The lack of reasonable adjustments … was a contributory factor in a number of deaths. 2) GP referrals commonly did not mention learning disabilities, and hospital ‘flagging’ systems to identify people with learning disabilities who needed reasonable adjustments were limited. 3) There is a need for clear identification of people with learning disabilities on the NHS central registration system and for this information to be made available to care professionals in healthcare record systems. Merely identifying that a person has learning disabilities is not sufficient - this information needs to be supplemented by a statement of the reasonable adjustments required.

Accessible Information Standard (external link, opens in a new tab)

All organisations that provide NHS or adult social care must follow the accessible information standard by law. The standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are provided with information that they can easily read or understand with support so they can communicate effectively with health and social care services.


Last edited: 6 December 2023 10:26 am