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South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit: NHSmail case study

South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit chose NHSmail as their accredited email service. Having self-migrated, they kindly share their experience to help others considering the move.

Secure email standard

DCB1596, formerly known as SCCI1596, requires publicly funded organisations to only use accredited email services. This means organisations must either join NHSmail or ensure their in-house email solutions are securely accredited.

Choosing NHSmail

To comply with this standard, South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW CSU) initiated a project to migrate 600 staff email accounts from their local email exchange service to NHSmail.

SCW CSU chose NHSmail in order to benefit from using a consistent communication tool both internally and externally, improving links with other health and social care NHSmail users. 

Rather than pay for a managed or supported migration, SCW CSU opted to self-migrate their users. This is free for organisations to carry out as NHSmail is a centrally-funded service. The only cost implication for SCW CSU was internal resource.

This suited their complex organisational structure, which included disparate systems at different stages of maturity. 

A carefully planned migration approach, that enabled control and flexibility, was, therefore, needed.

You can find out more about how SCW CSU self-migrated across to NHSmail in their detailed case study which includes:

  • benefits of self-migration
  • approach to self-migration
  • lessons learnt
  • key stakeholders
  • resources used to support the migration
  • feedback from users migrated to NHSmail

Last edited: 24 November 2020 11:07 am