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NHS login

NHS login provides patients with a simple, secure and re-usable way to access multiple digital health and care services including the NHS App.

About this service

NHS login provides patients with a simple, secure and re-usable way to access multiple digital health and care services.

NHS login provides patients and the public with a simple, secure and re-usable way to access multiple digital health and care services.

It is used by many of NHS England's own patient-facing digital services, such as the NHS App, and also by many of our partners' apps and services.

When a patient accesses an app or website which uses NHS login, they will either create an account and complete security checks or log in to their existing account. Once they are logged in, they will be able to access the app or website.

Wherever the public see the NHS login button, they can securely access their health and care information. In most cases they can use the service to prove who they are without needing to visit their GP.

Who this service is for

Patients and public

Patients registered at a GP practice in England, or receiving NHS services in England, can use NHS login to access health and care services. For example, patients can access the NHS App or online consultation platform eConsult.

Patient information about NHS login.

Providers of digital health and care services

NHS login is designed for digital patient-facing services that offer a health or social care related app or website. Providers of digital health and care services can ask about using NHS login if their service aligns with the NHS Long Term Plan and delivers benefits for the health and care system. They must also be commissioned or sponsored by an NHS organisation. If a service has both a commissioned element and a private element, only the commissioned service can use NHS login.

Partner and developer information about NHS login.

We are continuously working with new partners, increasing the use of NHS login across the digital health and social care market. See our list of NHS login integrated partners and services for more information on where NHS login is live.


Benefits of NHS login
  • a single, trusted login account that is convenient for patients and, because it has been developed by the NHS, they know that their health and care data is protected
  • partners and developers can trust NHS login to take care of the identity verification of their users securely and know that it is a brand that the public will recognise
  • the health and care system benefits from a secure NHS login process that will support the best use of technology to enable preventative, predictive and personalised care

National usage policy

NHS login is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended for patients that need to access a wide range of health care websites and apps that can be linked to their NHS medical records.

Furthermore, NHS login is mandatory for organisations wishing to conform to the NHS service standard. Otherwise, NHS login is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended because it conforms to DCB3051 Identity Verification and Authentication standard for Digital Health and Care Services which is mandatory for all patient-facing digital health and care services.

Examples of use

Read case studies of partners that have successfully integrated with NHS login.

Status, service level and current usage

This service is live.

It was launched in September 2018 and currently has over 46,000,000 users.

There are nearly 100 apps and services currently live with NHS login.

This service is a silver (plus) service. This means it is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


NHS login is a service that is constantly being developed and improved, and we are regularly adding new features based on research and data insights. 

How to access this service


When a patient chooses a health and care website, app or service which uses NHS login for security, they will access NHS login automatically.


For onboarding information, see integrating with NHS login.

Contact us

Enquiry Point of contact
Patient and public advice and guidance About NHS login

Live service incident. 

For use by NHS login partner services and health care professionals 

National Service Desk

Online portal: NHS England Customer Portal

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0300 303 5035

Technical support and feedback for use by patients

NHS App and account contact form

Further information

NHS login for partners and developers

Guidance, process and supporting information for digital health and social care services that are interested in or integrated with NHS login.

Patient information on NHS login

Read guidance and supporting information for the public and people who use NHS login.

Data Protection Impact Assessment: NHS login - formerly Citizen Identity

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to be completed by a controller where its processing of personal data is considered to be a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals.

Last edited: 5 March 2024 11:23 am