Films to support staff with providing record access to patients
Films to support clinicians and GP practice administrative staff with these changes.
Films to support general practice staff
A suite of 6 films have been produced to support general practice staff in their preparations to ensure that all people have digital access to their GP-held records. The films will allow general practice to familiarise themselves with record access systems, build confidence and embed staff training.
Giving patients access to future general practice records
An introductory film outlining the change to patient record access.
Why and when to make information not visible in patient records
This film details how to record sensitive information to a patient record and the actions to take in particular circumstances.
When to consider not providing record access to a patient
A film addressing potential safeguarding concerns surrounding patient record access. Specific scenarios including circumstances that may cause harm, changes in circumstances, vulnerability and coercion.
How to redact on TPP SystmOne
A practical demonstration on how to redact information from a patient record, including how to redact historical information and how to redact during a live consultation.
How to redact in EMIS Web
There has been a change to the ability to hide medication since this video was made. Please refer to the user guidance available on EMIS Now
How to redact in EMIS.
Conducting and documenting consultations that empower patients when they access their records
This film details ways to conduct a consultation when patients are able to see their records. How to document clearly and ways to include the patient whilst recording patient notes.
Conducting and documenting consultations that empower patients when they access their records
Further information
There are a number of resources available to support preparing for the change including a GP readiness checklist available to general practice staff, which includes a list of essential actions to undertake prior to launching prospective record access
Last edited: 21 March 2024 1:34 pm