Online access to GP records patient case studies: Samantha's story
Find out how Samantha uses the NHS App to make decisions in partnership with the many health professionals she sees. Samantha has chronic conditions that can deteriorate quickly. For her, being able to access GP health records and see all of her information, investigations and procedures in one place on the NHS App is a “personal game changer”.
Samantha's story
Samantha lives in Prestwich, Greater Manchester, with her husband who is also her full-time carer. Samantha is autistic and has several chronic conditions, including functional neurological disorder, fibromyalgia and gastroparesis, that cause widespread pain, debilitating fatigue and muscle spasms.
A personal game changer
“I use the NHS App to keep track of appointments, check my health records and test results and order the repeat prescriptions I need. I also find the apps jargon buster very helpful."
"Having access to all my information, investigations and procedures in one place is so useful. It means I can give a concise history to the different health professionals I see and the confidence to make decisions in partnership with them."
Timely treatment
When a recent test revealed a serious urine infection, Samantha was able to show these results on her NHS App to the hospital the very same day. Having those results to hand meant the hospital could treat her without needing to do further tests, and Samantha avoided delaying treatment waiting for the GP to give her the results.
Supporting loved ones
As Samantha’s carer, her husband can log into the app and access the necessary information to help her prepare for appointments and understand requirements for her care. Before they had the app, her husband could not get this information from the GP surgery.
Last edited: 13 March 2024 5:22 pm