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eMED3 (fit note) in secondary care

The ISN requires in scope NHS funded secondary healthcare providers to enable functionality within IT systems to allow the completion and issue of eMED3 fit notes.

Latest update

Last Updated: 29th September 2023

NHS England has published the Delivery Plan for recovering access to primary care which highlights requirements and NHS Provider and ICB obligations in relation to the implementation and reporting on local implementation of eMED3.

The ISN was published on November 10th: DAPB4011: eMED3 (fit notes) in secondary care.

FutureNHS Site: supporting stakeholders with guidance and implementation materials  eMED3 fit notes in secondary care (account required).

Action needed

  • read the Delivery Plan for recovering access to primary care, specifically the detail within the Improving the primary-secondary care interface section

  • read the ISN – see link above

  • join the FutureNHS Site for further guidance and implementation materials- see link above

  • tell us whether you intend to liaise with your EPR/PAS supplier directly or would you prefer national support to coordinate this?

  • are you interested in being a pilot with your supplier?

  • can you provide dates on when you intend to implement the standard within your EPR/PAS software?

  • for ICBs – would you like support with building the local case for change with our GP survey and baseline benefit tool?

About this programme

The ISN requires in scope NHS funded secondary healthcare providers to enable functionality within IT systems to allow the completion and issue of eMED3 fit notes.

Implementation should commence on 10th November 2022 and full conformance is required by 30th November 2023.

The Digital Partnering team have been commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions to support those implementing the ISN with a range of materials, provide support to NHS Trust and supplier for agreed First of Type and publish any learning and support Trusts who wish to pilot the implementation of the ISN into their local systems.


The baseline benefits of implementing eMED3 in secondary care are:


  • Improved patient experience as a result of the extension of certification, due to provision of more tailored, specialist advice from clinicians that routinely have health and work conversations and undertake related assessments. The patient will have the opportunity to return to work with appropriate workplace adjustments or suitable time for recovery
  • Improved patient experience in secondary care as they no longer have to wait whilst nurses track down a doctor to certify the fit note.
  • Patient time saving - no longer having to make an appointment with their GP to get a fit note following a secondary care episode.

GP practices

  • GP time saving- no longer creating fit notes originating from secondary care and being able to share workload in primary care with Registered Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Pharmacists
  • Registered Nurse, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and Pharmacist time saving though extension of certification - no longer have to arrange for a GP to produce a fit note if the patient requires one
  • Practice admin staff time saving – no longer having to undertake supporting activities such as booking appointments and printing off fit notes for those originating from a secondary care episode
  • GPs will have an improved understanding of realistic time frames and support required by patient as a result of receiving fit notes created in secondary care or by non- GP clinicians in primary care with specific work and health expertise. 

Secondary care using paper fit notes now

  • Doctor time saving - no longer having to ask someone to retrieve the fit note from a locked drugs cabinet and sharing workload with Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Registered Nurses and Pharmacists as a result of extension of certification
  • Doctors working remotely using online or video consultations will be able to issue an eMED3 to patients
  • Operational staff time saving - no longer having to order and arrange distribution of paper Med3 forms and managing queries from patient or GP practice on lack of fit note
  • Nurse time saving – no longer having to retrieve the fit note for doctors
  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist time saving when issuing health and work advice to the patient and undertaking assessments as they no longer have to feed into the doctor's fit note process.

Professional groups

  • Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Registered Nurses and Pharmacists working in both primary and secondary care settings will now be empowered to demonstrate their expertise and value within the healthcare system as a result of the legislation passed in July 2022 allowing them to certify fit notes where deemed professionally appropriate.

Contact us

For further information on benefits or support, email [email protected].  

Further information

Access the programme at the eMED3 fit notes in secondary care site on FutureNHS (account required).

Last edited: 6 December 2023 3:31 pm