EPS: How to embed a signature within a prescription
Learn how to embed a signature when creating a prescription within the NHS Electronic Prescription Service.
You should read the Electronic Prescription Service - FHIR API page and the Supplier Conformance Assessment List (SCAL) before you read this page.
This page explains how you can embed a signature when creating a prescription. It is intended to integrate with the EPS FHIR API and signing library.
Step one: Send complete prescription payload apart from provenance to prepare endpoint
This returns the:
- base64 encoded signed info block (containing the digest)
- timestamp embedded in the digest
- algorithm that should be used to generate the signature
Step two: Sign the base64 encoded signed info block
Use either the local signing library or the remote signing service. This should give a signature value and a certificate.
Step three: Create signature block
You need to embed the:
- decoded signed info block with the xmlns attribute removed
- signature value with no preceding whitespace
- certificate with no preceding whitespace
This should be structured as follows:
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
Then base64 encode that and embed it in the FHIR Provenance resource signature.data value as defined in the OAS ‘Create a new prescription’ section.
Last edited: 12 March 2024 3:13 pm