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Case study - Rohpharm pharmacy

Discover how EPS is helping care organisations to address challenges they face.

SCAL notice for suppliers

Please refer to the Supplier Conformance Assessment List (SCAL) as the definitive source of supplier information and guidance for EPS development. You will receive the SCAL when you begin the EPS onboarding process.

Staff at Rohpharm pharmacy in Plaistow, London

Rohpharm Pharmacy in Plaistow, London has been live with the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) for over three years and eight of the GP practices in their area are also live. Mr and Mrs Patel (pictured centre), are always looking for ways to help their customers and improve patient care, and the benefits of EPS are clear to them. The pharmacy has over 60% of its patients on repeat dispensing.

Implementing Medicines Manager

Having built good relationships with their two primary GP surgeries, Rohpharm Pharmacy have been able to strengthen this by implementing Medicines Manager. This module is specific to the pharmacies chosen PMR system and allows them to request, monitor and track repeat prescriptions electronically. Requests can be sent directly to the patients’ GP via an interoperable clinical system and the GP can then electronically authorise the prescription allowing this to be dispensed by the pharmacy.

As well as patients opting in to the Medicines Manager features, they are also able to manage their repeat medication via the My Local Pharmacy app. Patients can use the secure mobile app to order their own repeat medications, set pill reminders, find out about local services and access health advice and support.

What are the benefits of using EPS?

Save time – spend more time helping your customers and cut down on administration.

Improve accuracy – prescriptions are sent directly to and from your pharmacy system reducing the chance of errors.

Reduce printing – not only does this save money, but it also reduces the number of lost or missing prescriptions.

Improve patient care – by working more closely with both GP’s and patients in your community, you are able help provide better all-round care.

Reduce waste – the electronic management of a patients medication reduces the risk of over supplying and improves adherence to regular medication changes.

EPS also saves the GP practice time as the GP only has to sign the prescription once, whilst maintaining the ability to cancel or amend it if required.

EPS helps me to manage my workload more efficiently and it has definitely made the labelling process much easier.

More information

For more information on EPS and how to get it in your practice visit the EPS homepage.

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Last edited: 6 October 2023 4:25 pm