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Monitoring services

We offer a range of national and local monitoring services, designed to identify vulnerabilities, uncover suspicious behaviour and block malicious activity. Find out more about using these services.

Vulnerability testing

We carry out non-intrusive cyber security vulnerability testing of an organisation’s web-facing services (such as websites).

To do this, we use IP address details voluntarily provided by organisations (via the DSC portal) to perform these tests and provide a set of actions and recommendations to address any vulnerabilities.

Advanced network monitoring

We monitor traffic on the national NHS network and we can test suspicious traffic. Potentially malicious activity is blocked, with the responsible organisation notified to take specific actions.

Protective monitoring

We monitor usage of NHS Digital national applications and services for suspicious or unusual activity and inform relevant teams for further investigation.

Register for our monitoring services

To register for our monitoring services, email [email protected].

Last edited: 26 August 2020 8:22 am