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Coronavirus (COVID-19) clinical triage support tool

coronavirus (COVID-19) patients present with a varying range of symptoms and differing levels of severity. While most patients will have mild to moderate symptoms, a few will experience breathlessness, indicating increasing severity of disease, that will need further assessment.


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This tool has been created to help assist clinicians in assessing breathlessness remotely and making an onward triage decision. It is presented as an adjunct to other elements of patient assessment and should be utilised under existing local governance procedures.

It helps triage patients into three cohorts: those who need immediate assessment and intervention in secondary care, those who can be assessed and/or managed in primary care and those who can self-isolate and self-care with safety netting advice.

The tool can be utilised by clinicians in primary or community care settings in triaging suspected COVID-19 patients for breathlessness. The tool has been adapted to align with NICE guidance, specifically guidelines NG163 and NG165.


Last edited: 15 May 2020 4:36 pm