Final chance to share your views: the electronic patient record (EPR) usability survey for secondary care
28 November 2024: We're asking clinicians and clinical support workers to share their views about electronic patient records before the survey closes on 20 December 2024.
Prepare for upcoming changes to NHS Email Relay configurations
5 December 2024: Organisations that use a '' domain should prepare for changes to our email relay configurations.
NHS Federated Data Platform Lunch and Learn - Inpatient CCS
9 December 2024: Sign up to this week's session held on 11 December to learn more about Inpatients Care Coordination Solution (CCS).
Help shape digital clinical safety standards
16 December 2024: Find out how to get involved in reviewing our clinical safety standards, which guide IT manufacturers and NHS providers to ensure the safe implementation of digital systems in healthcare.
Revised retirement date for CIS1 Authentication
CIS1 Authentication will now be retired on 28 February 2027.
Deprecation note update 10 February: deprecated identity agents and smartcard update
Dates by which NHS Digital will no longer provide support and then access for older product version of the smartcards and Identity Agent (IA) Clients.
Release notes now in a dedicated area
Digital Staff Passport release notes are now published in a different area of this website.
Smartcard series 4, 5 and 6 are being phased out from 31 January 2025
Certificate renewal will end in January, and authentication with these smartcards will no longer be available after 30 April 2025.
You can now see all active employment assignments in Digital Staff Passport
ESR (Electronic Staff Record) made changes on 10 January 2025 and you can now see all active assignments in DSP.
Guidance for Registration Authority users on creating a profile for a staff member with an eVisa
Changes to creating new user profiles with the start of the rollout of eVisas.