Latest registers added
The following data registers have been added in December 2018.
Upcoming data registers
We are working with consumers to develop and incorporate further registers in the future.
New registers added
29 August 2018: The Data Registers Service has today added 4 new registers to the service. Users can now view, query and download the following data reference data registers.
Changes to the Emergency codes section in GP Connect Access Record: HTML
17 December 2020 - This week, TPP made a change to include the latest set of COVID19 codes in the ‘Emergency codes’ section. These will now appear whenever recorded in the patient’s record.
Full Rollout Approval for GP Connect Send Document
EMIS Web and TPP SystmOne clinical systems have approval for both the Send and Receive elements of GP Connect Send Document.
Access Record: Structured (Medications and Allergies) has Full Roll-out Approval for the EMIS Web - update your system now
18 November 2021 - Following an extended pilot phase of Access Record: Structured (Medications and Allergies), we’re delighted to announce Full Roll-out Approval for the EMIS Web clinical system.
Data Registers Service goes live with 8 data registers
18 July 2018: Users can now view, query, configure and download data from NHS Digital using our data register portal.
Appointment sharing with the COVID Clinical Assessment Service – action required to configure GP practice clinical systems
12 January 2022 - GP practices need to configure GP Connect on practice clinical systems to allow appointment sharing with the COVID Clinical Assessment Service (CCAS) so patients triaged with the symptoms of COVID-19 can have an appointment booked with a GP.
New use cases for GP Connect: Access Record HTML in Adult Social Care
Following a successful roll out for services such as NHS 111 and hospital trusts, we have extended the use of GP Connect: Access Record into Adult Social Care.
Oberthur SR8 middleware and PKCS#11 SR3 for the self-renew of Series 8 Smartcards
13 June 2018 - NHS Digital will be making an update to Card Management Services (CMS) within the Care Identity Service (CIS) application to support a new version of Oberthur middleware.