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Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) v6: Provider and supplier consultation webinars (January 2023)

Session 1

Session 2

Webinar overview

In July 2022 NHS Digital ran two consultation webinars to gain feedback on the changes proposed for the MHSDS v6 uplift. 

At the time of these webinars, the proposed go-live date of MHSDS v6 for data collection was April 2023. However, the go-live date for MHSDS v6 was subsequently delayed and we were able to open the requirements window for a second time and gather additional requirements. We also added some changes back into the uplift that we’d originally pushed back for MHSDS v7.

Two further consultation webinars were held in January 2023 as part of the second consultation phase in the development of MHSDS v6. 

Webinar content

These consultation webinars focussed on the additional requirements submitted during this time and any changes to original requirements that require consultation. 

The two webinars were identical, to give as many people as possible a chance to attend. They covered:

  • a presentation explaining the additional changes proposed for MHSDS v6.0 following the requirements review and elaboration process
  • an explanation of timescales
  • a Q&A session to give delegates the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the proposed changes.

Webinar recording and presentation slides

You are now able to view a recording from one of the webinars.  The presentation slides are available to download just below.