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Reports and statistics

The reports on this page are intended to be used in addition to local NHS e-Referral Service reports and extracts available from within our application. Each report has a cover page detailing the contents, and the criteria used for any data analysis.

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Application reports and extracts

Application reports and extracts are located on the reports section of the e-Referral Service (e-RS) system application, and can be accessed by users with the Information Analyst role on their smartcards.

Appointment Slot Issue reports

These reports provide detailed information on all Appointment Slot Issues (ASIs) generated from within the NHS e-Referral Service (eRS).


Daily booking reports

Booking information can be gained by using e-RS reports and extracts


EBSX reports

Extracts are data files that can be can be downloaded from the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS). After being downloaded, extracts can be unzipped and imported into data analysis software.

e-Referral Service dashboard (private version)

Find out about the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) dashboard (private version), including information on the purpose of the dashboard, how to access the dashboard and the data included.


Learning module

A learning module has been created and split into a series of videos. The videos show the information you can extract about your organisation from the e-Referral Service application.


Monthly booking reports

Download NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) booking reports.


Open data: management information and dashboard - NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)

Access e-RS management information and a dashboard for referrals, bookings and appointment slot issues (ASIs) by specialty at Local Commissioning Organisation level.