API and integration catalogue
These are the APIs and integrations which are currently available, or in development, from NHS England and associated organisations. It includes APIs as well as API standards defined by us. For other data standards, see the NHS Data Standards Directory.
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6 results
COVID-19 Medical Exemptions - FHIR API
Access a patient’s coronavirus (COVID-19) medical exemption status.
Vaccination Patient-facing FHIR R4 REST Has sandbox API Central Uses API platform Internet facing Uses OASCOVID-19 Test Results - FHIR API
Access a patient’s coronavirus (COVID-19) test results history.
Patient-facing FHIR REST API Central Tests and diagnostics Has sandbox R4 Uses API platform Internet facing Uses OASImmunisation FHIR API
Access and update a patient's immunisation record, including coronavirus, influenza and human papillomavirus immunisations.
Vaccination Patient-facing API Central Internet facing FHIR R4 REST Has sandbox Uses API platform Uses OAS Uses digital onboardingImmunisation History - FHIR API
Access a patient’s coronavirus (COVID-19) immunisation history.
Central REST Vaccination FHIR Patient-facing API Has sandbox R4 Uses API platform Internet facing Uses OAS Uses digital onboardingNHS Website Content API
Pull content from the NHS.UK website about health conditions, medicines A-Z and more, using our free NHS Website Content APIs.
REST Patient-facing API Central Internet facing Has sandbox Uses API platform Uses OAS Uses digital onboardingPersonal Demographics Service - FHIR API
Access patients' personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, related people, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number using the FHIR version of the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) API.
FHIR Community health Hospital GP / primary care Urgent and emergency care Ambulance services NHS 111 Mental health OOH GP Pharmacy Demographics API Central Has sandbox R4 Patient-facing Uses API platform Internet facing Uses OAS REST Uses digital onboarding