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API and integration catalogue

These are the APIs and integrations which are currently available, or in development, from NHS England and associated organisations. It includes APIs as well as API standards defined by us. For other data standards, see the NHS Data Standards Directory.

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4 results
In development

Genomic Order Management Service FHIR API

Access the Genomic Order Management Service - the national service used to send electronic orders from NHS organisations to Genomic Services.

Internet facing Uses API platform R4 REST Uses OAS FHIR Has sandbox Central

In development

Immunisation FHIR API

Access and update a patient's immunisation record, including coronavirus, influenza and human papillomavirus immunisations.

Vaccination Patient-facing API Central Internet facing FHIR R4 REST Has sandbox Uses API platform Uses OAS Uses digital onboarding

In development

Prescription Status Update - FHIR API

The Prescription Status Update API allows dispensing suppliers to push status information about electronic prescriptions to patients on a national scale via the NHS App. This includes letting patients know when their prescription is ready to collect.

REST Has sandbox Uses OAS Internet facing Uses API platform FHIR Dispensing

In development

Validated Relationship Service - FHIR API

Use this API to access the Validated Relationships Service - the national electronic database of relationships that have been verified for the purpose of enabling individuals to access healthcare services on behalf of (proxy) those they care for.

FHIR REST Has sandbox Internet facing Uses OAS API