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API and integration catalogue

These are the APIs and integrations which are currently available, or in development, from NHS England and associated organisations. It includes APIs as well as API standards defined by us. For other data standards, see the NHS Data Standards Directory.

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68 results
In production

Bowel Cancer Screening - EDIFACT

Receive bowel cancer screening test results in GP practices from the screening system.

Hospital GP / primary care Tests and diagnostics MESH Has adaptor Internet facing Message integration

In production

Cervical Screening - EDIFACT

Send cervical screening test results from screening laboratories and receive them in GP practices and NHAIS system.

Vaccination Tests and diagnostics MESH Internet facing Hospital GP / primary care Has adaptor Message integration


Child Protection - Information Sharing - SMSP API standards

Become a Spine Mini Service Provider giving access to child protection information from Child Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS) for an unscheduled care provider using our SMSP API standards.

Community health Hospital A&E / emergency department Inpatient Social care Urgent and emergency care Ambulance services OOH GP Access to records Key care information HL7 V3 API standard


Clinical Decision Support API standards

API standards to support the triage and onward referral of patients who are interacting with Urgent and Emergency Care services, such as NHS 111.

FHIR REST Clinical decision support Hospital A&E / emergency department Patient-facing GP / primary care Urgent and emergency care NHS 111 API standard STU3


Crisis Care Extract API

Send a CDA document containing Crisis Care Extract information supporting the sharing of care plans for urgent and emergency care.

Hospital GP / primary care Urgent and emergency care A&E / emergency department Key care information Continuity of care API Messaging